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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Flex:- Function for selecting the item from the spark dropdown list.

' Name: Fun_SelectDropdownListValue
' Purpose: This function is used for selecting the item from the spark dropdown list
' Argument(s):
'     ip_ObjDropDown: Object under the test EX: SparkDropDownList
'     ip_strDropdownName: Name of the dropdown ex:Merchandise
'     ip_strSelectableItemValue: Value to be selected from the dropdown. Ex: All Mdse
' Returns:
'     1: If expected value is found under the dropdown
'     0: If expected value is NOT found under the dropdown
' Example: Call Fun_SelectDropdownListValue(objDropdown, "Merchandise", "All Mdse")
Public Function Fun_SelectDropdownListValue(ByRef ip_ObjDropDown, ip_strDropdownName, ip_strSelectableItemValue)
 Dim objDicListIndex, intTotalItemCnt, blnScrollBarExists, intMaxScrollValue, intCurrentScrollPoint
 Dim objSparkListLabelDescr, objSparkListLabelDescrChild
 Dim intChildIndex, strListLabel
 Set objDicListIndex = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
 '<<< Validate the current selection before making a new selection >>>
 strListLabel = ip_ObjDropDown.GetROProperty("selecteditem")
 If Trim(strListLabel) = Trim(ip_strSelectableItemValue) Then
  Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 1
  Exit Function
 End If 

 'Get the total items under the list
 intTotalItemCnt = ip_ObjDropDown.GetItemsCount
 '<<< Get the maximum possible scroll point based on the existence of scroll bar object >>>
 Wait 2
 If ip_ObjDropdown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").Exist(2) Then
  blnScrollBarExists = True
        intMaxScrollValue = ip_ObjDropDown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").GetROProperty("maximum")
  blnScrollBarExists = False
  intMaxScrollValue = 0
 End If 

 '<<< Get all child objects of type SparkListLabel >>>
 Set objSparkListLabelDescr = Description.Create()
 objSparkListLabelDescr("automationclassname").Value = "SparkListLabel"
 '<<< Extract all child objects until the maximum scroll point is reached >>>
  '<<< Move the scroll bar based on the child objects extracted within the loop >>>
  If blnScrollBarExists = True Then
   intCurrentScrollPoint = 20 * objDicListIndex.Count
   ip_ObjDropDown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").Change intCurrentScrollPoint
   Wait 2
   intCurrentScrollPoint = 1
  End If 
  '<<< Get child objects >>>
  Set objSparkListLabelDescrChild = ip_ObjDropDown.ChildObjects(objSparkListLabelDescr)
  '<<< Fill the dictionary object based on the child objects extracted >>>>
  For intChildIndex = 0 To objSparkListLabelDescrChild.Count -1
   strListLabel = objSparkListLabelDescrChild(intChildIndex).GetROProperty("label")
   If Trim(strListLabel) = Trim(ip_strSelectableItemValue) Then
    Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 1 'Indicates success
    Exit Function
   ElseIf Not objDicListIndex.Exists(Trim(strListLabel)) And Trim(strListLabel) <> "" Then
    objDicListIndex.Add Trim(strListLabel), objDicListIndex.Count
   End If
  '<<< Exit the Loop on scroll bar reaching the maximum end point >>>
  If intCurrentScrollPoint > intMaxScrollValue Then
   Exit Do
  End If     
 subJCP_EventReport "Fail", "Unable to find item as: " & ip_strSelectableItemValue & " under the given dropdown: " & ip_strDropdownName, Browser("FlexApp")    
 Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 0 'Indicates failure
End Function
'<<< ---------- Register this function to the SparkDropdownList object ----------- >>>
RegisterUserFunc "SparkDropDownList", "Fun_SelectDropdownListValue", "Fun_SelectDropdownListValue"

returnValue = .SparkDropDownList("timeDropDown").Fun_SelectDropdownListValue("Time", "Custom...")
  If Cstr(returnValue) <> "1" Then
  End If

QTP -> Function for providing the synch to the application object

' Name: Fun_SynchObjectToAppear
' Purpose: This function is used for providing the synch to the application object
' Argument(s):
'     ip_obj: Object under the test EX: SparkDropDownList
'     ip_intStartTime: Start time from which the max wait time  is evaluated. Ex: Timer value at the time of calling this function
'     ip_intWaitTimeInSec: Maximum wait time for object to appaer in the application and get visible
' Returns:
'      NON Zero Value: Indicates that the object is appeared on the screen and is visible.
'        0 Indicates that the object is not available under the application after waiting for the given max wait time.  
' Example: returnValue = Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(objSparkApplication, Timer, "360")
Public Function Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(ByRef ip_Obj, ip_intStartTime, ip_intWaitTimeInSec)
 Dim blnObjectLoaded, intStartTime, intEndTime
 blnObjectLoaded = False 'Set the flag to false to indicate that the object is not loaded
 intStartTime = ip_intStartTime 'Start tiem is set as the passed argument value
  If ip_Obj.Exist(1) Then
   If CStr(ip_Obj.GetRoProperty("visible")) = "True" Then
     blnObjectLoaded = True 'Reset the flag to indicate that the object is appeared on the application
     Exit Do 'Exit the loop if the expected object is exists and is visible in the application
   End If
  End If   
  intEndTime = Timer 'Set the current time as end time
 Loop Until intEndTime > intStartTime + ip_intWaitTimeInSec 'Break the loop if the end time reached as more than the max wait time

 '<<< Report the report based upon the load event on the tab selection >>>
 If blnObjectLoaded = True Then
   Fun_SynchObjectToAppear = (intEndTime - ip_intStartTime)/60 'Return the total time taken in minutes as a return value
   Fun_SynchObjectToAppear = "0" 'Return ZERO to indicate that the object is not appeared on the screen
 End If
End Function
'<<< ---------- Function registration----------- >>>
RegisterUserFunc "SparkDropDownList", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkTextInput", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkCheckBox", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkButton", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"

Example : -

 '<<< Synch provided until the filter object gets displayed in the application >>>
 Set objSparkApplication = Browser("FlexApp").FlexApplication("app").SparkApplication("erfr-flex-gui.swf").SparkSkinnableContainer("showHidePane").SparkButton("Filters")
 intWaitTimeInSec = intConstWaitShort * 60
 '<<< Calling user defined function for providing application object synchronization >>>
 returnValue = Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(objSparkApplication, Timer, intWaitTimeInSec)

QC-> Code to get the user id and Password from QC resources tab

Preconditions: -
You need to upload a excel sheet in the QC resources tab, as below:

Key    Value
UID   naresh

'Name:   Fun_GetCredentials
'Purpose:  This function will get the credential details from the QC resource
'Argument(s): ip_intResourceId: Resource ID of the item
'Returns:  0: Indicates failure
'     Credential details as: UserID|Password
'Example: returnValue = Fun_GetCredentials("1055")
'Revised by:
' **********************************************************************************************************************
Function Fun_GetCredentials(ip_intResourceId)
 Dim objQCResource, objDataSheet, intDSRowCnt, intDSRowIndex, strUserID, strPwd
 On Error Resume Next
  'Get the resource object from QC with resource id as ip_intResourceId
  Set objQCResource = QCUtil.QCConnection.QCResourceFactory.Item(ip_intResourceId)

  'Download the resource file into the result directory
  objQCResource.DownloadResource Environment("ResultDir"), True

  'Get the sheet 1 of resource file from result directory into the design time datatable at sheet 1
  DataTable.ImportSheet Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & objQCResource.Filename, 1, 1

  'Get the object Datasheet from the design time datatable
  Set objDataSheet = DataTable.GetSheet(1)  
  intDSRowCnt = objDataSheet.GetRowCount

  'Loop for each row and validate the Key column, based on key value get value column value
  For intDSRowIndex = 1 To intDSRowCnt
   Select Case UCase(Trim(DataTable.Value(intConstKeyColIndex, 1)))
    Case "UID"
     strUserID = Trim(DataTable.Value(intConstValueColIndex, 1))
    Case "PWD"
     strPwd = Trim(DataTable.Value(intConstValueColIndex, 1))
   End Select
  'Set the return value
  If Trim(strUserID) <> "" And Trim(strPwd) <> "" Then
   Fun_GetCredentials = strUserID & "|" & strPwd
   Fun_GetCredentials = 0
   subJCP_EventReport "Fail", "Required credential details are not found. " & VBNewLine & "User ID = " & strUserID & VBNewLine & "Password = " & strPwd, Nothing
   Exit Function
  End If 
  'If unexpected error is reported here
  If Trim(CStr(Err.Description)) <> "" Then
    Fun_GetCredentials = 0
    subJCP_EventReport "Fail", "Unable to get login credentials. Error: " & Err.Description & VBNewLine &  Err.source, Nothing
  End If
 On Error GoTo 0

 'Delocate the reference
 Set objQCResource = Nothing
 Set objDataSheet = Nothing
End Function

Then use the below function like :

Example: -
 '<<< ---- If Credential pop up is loaded, get the JCP credentials from the Datatable () :Begins ---->>>
 If Browser("FlexApp").Dialog("Credential Popup").Exist(intConstWaitShort) Then
  returnValue = Fun_GetCredentials("1035")
  If Trim(CStr(returnValue)) = "0" Then
   arrCredentials = Split(returnValue, "|")
   Browser("FlexApp").Dialog("Credential Popup").WinEdit("User name:").Set arrCredentials(0)
   Browser("FlexApp").Dialog("Credential Popup").WinEdit("Password:").Set arrCredentials(1)
   Browser("FlexApp").Dialog("Credential Popup").WinButton("OK").Click
  End If
 End If
 '<<< --- If Credential pop up is loaded, get the JCP credentials from the Datatable () :Ends ------->>>

Friday, September 9, 2011

QTP & QC->Code for function validate the displayed Error pop up

'Function Name -------- Fun_ValidateExpectedPopUp(ip_strExpectPopUpDetails)
'Description ------------ Use this function validate the displayed Error pop up
'Parameters ----------- ip_strExpectPopUpDetails : EX: Y|Invalid Date|OK or N|NO Message
'Return Value ---------
'         1: Indicates expected pop up is displayed (Need to exit the component on this event)
'         1: Indicates expected pop up is not displayed (Need to exit the component on this event)
'         1: Unexpectedly pop up is displayed (Need to exit the component on this event)
'         0: Unexpected pop up is not displayed (Need not to exit the component on this event)
'Example -------------- Call Fun_ValidateExpectedPopUp(ip_strExpectPopUpDetails)
Function Fun_ValidateExpectedPopUp(ip_strExpectPopUpDetails)
 '<<< Local variable declaration >>>
 Dim arrErrorMessageDetails, strErrorMsg, blnFlag
 Fun_ValidateExpectedPopUp = "1" '
 arrErrorMessageDetails = Split(ip_strExpectPopUpDetails, "|")
 If UCase(arrErrorMessageDetails(0)) = "Y" Then
   If Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Exist(intConstMidWaitTime) Or _
    Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Exist(intConstMidWaitTime) Then
     '<<< Expected Pop Up expectedly displayed => Success >>>
     '<<< Validating the error message >>>
     strErrorMsg = ""
     If Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Page("Page").WebElement("WebTable").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
       strErrorMsg = Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Page("Page").WebElement("WebTable").GetROProperty("innertext")
     ElseIf Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Static("Please").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
       strErrorMsg =Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Static("Please").GetROProperty("text")
     End If
     If Instr(strErrorMsg, arrErrorMessageDetails(1)) Then
      '<<< Expected error message is displayed >>>
      Fun_ReportSuccess "Validate the pop up Message", "Expected Pop up message is displayed on the pop up Message as:" & VBNewline & strErrorMsg
      '<<< Expected error message is not displayed >>>
      Fun_ReportFailure "Validate the pop up Message", "Expected Pop up message is not displayed on the pop up message as:" & VBNewline & arrErrorMessageDetails(1) & VBNewline & "Instead it is displayed as:" & VBNewline & strErrorMsg, Browser("Browser Main")
     End If
     '<<< Expected Pop Up unexpectedly not displayed=> Failure >>>
     Fun_ReportFailure "Expected Pop up Validation", "Expected pop up not displayed.", Browser("Browser Main")
   End If  
   If Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Or _
    Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
     strErrorMsg = ""
     If Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Page("Page").WebElement("WebTable").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
       strErrorMsg = Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Page("Page").WebElement("WebTable").GetROProperty("innertext")
     ElseIf Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Static("Please").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
       strErrorMsg =Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Static("Please").GetROProperty("text")
     End If
     '<<< Unexpected Pop Up unexpectedly displayed => Failure >>>
     Fun_ReportFailure "Unexpected Pop up Validation", "Unexpected pop up is displayed with text as:" & VBNewLine & strErrorMsg, Browser("Browser Main")
     '<<< Unexpected Pop Up expectedly not displayed=> Success >>>
     Fun_ReportSuccess "Unexpected Pop up Validation", "No pop ups displayed as expected."  
     Fun_ValidateExpectedPopUp = "0" 
   End If
 End If
 If Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
   Browser("Browser Main").Window("-- Web Page Dialog").Close
 ElseIf Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
   Browser("Browser Main").Dialog("Message from webpage").Close
 End If
End Function

'SubRoutine Name -------- sub_popUpValidate(ip_ExpectPopUp)
'Description ------------ Use this sub routine to call the eexpected pop up funtion and handling the pop up message
'Author ----------------- Naresh gupta
'Parameters ----------- ip_ExpectPopUp : EX: Parameter("p_SC_CSS_ExpectPopUp")
'Return Value --------- NA
'Registerd To ---------- NA
'Base Project ---------- EFAS
'Example -------------- Call sub_popUpValidate(Parameter("p_SC_CSS_ExpectPopUp"))     
Sub sub_popUpValidate(ip_strExpectPopUp)
 Dim returnVal
 returnVal = Fun_ValidateExpectedPopUp(ip_strExpectPopUp)
 If Cstr(returnVal) = "1"  Then
 End If
End Sub

JAVA Addin->Code for function used for java table

'Function Name:   funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable
'Purpose :           This function will return the column number from the JAVA Table based on the column name passed
'Parameters:      ip_objTable: Object Table
'       ip_strExpectedColName: Expected column Name
'      ip_intStartColNum: Start index from this point search for the expected column will start
'      ip_blnIsRelativeComparison: Pass this parameter as False if column name is to be matched with exact column header
'                else pass as True for relative compartison
'Return  value       "": If Expected column is not found
'Example:           returnValue = funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(objLeftGrid, "Item", 0, False)
Public Function funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(ByRef ip_objTable, ip_strExpectedColName, ip_intStartColNum, ip_blnIsRelativeComparison)
  '<<< Default Return value is set as empty >>>
 funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable = ""
 Dim intColCnt, intColIndex, strColName
 intColCnt = ip_objTable.GetROProperty("cols")
 '<<< Extract the cell value from given row number starting from the mentioned start index for column >>>
 For intColIndex = ip_intStartColNum To intColCnt - 1
  strColName = ip_objTable.GetColumnName(intColIndex)

  '<<< Using Instr function for relative comparison based upon the flag value passed >>>
  If ip_blnIsRelativeComparison = True Then  
   If Instr(UCase(Trim(strColName)),UCase(Trim(ip_strExpectedColName))) Then
    funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable = intColIndex
    Exit Function
   End If
   If UCase(Trim(strColName)) = UCase(Trim(ip_strExpectedColName)) Then
    funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable = intColIndex
    Exit Function
   End If
  End If
End Function

'Function Name:   Fun_ExpandJavaTable
'Purpose :           This function will exapnd the grid based on the value cell details passed
'Parameters:      ip_objTable: Object Table
'Return  value       0: If succeeded
'       1: If Fails
'Example:           returnValue = Fun_ExpandJavaTable(objLeftGrid)
Public Function Fun_ExpandJavaTable(ByRef ip_objTable)
 Dim intExpandableColNum, strExpandableColName
 Fun_ExpandJavaTable = 0 'indicates success
 intExpandableColNum = funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(ip_objTable, "(+)", 0, False)
 If Trim(CStr(intExpandableColNum)) = "" Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Expandworklist grid", "Unable to find the expandable column with name as (+)", Browser("Browser Main")
  Fun_ExpandJavaTable = 1 'indicates failure
 End If

 strExpandableColName = ip_objTable.GetColumnName(intExpandableColNum)
 ip_objTable.SelectColumnHeader strExpandableColName
 Wait intConstShortWaitTime

 intExpandableColNum = funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(ip_objTable, "(-)", 0, False)
 If Trim(CStr(intExpandableColNum)) = "" Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Expandworklist grid", "Unable to expand the java table", Browser("Browser Main")
  Fun_ExpandJavaTable = 1 'indicates failure
    End If
End Function

'Function Name:   fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails
'Purpose :           This function will return the expected lot under the javatable
'Parameters:      ip_objGridLeftGrid: Object Left Table which contains Item Lot information
'      ip_objGridRightGrid: Object Right Table which contains Item details information
'      ip_strItemNum: Expected Item Number EX: 5889550
'      ip_strLineNum: Expected Line Number under the given lot EX: 0108
'      ip_strColNameCollection: Column name details EX: "SSC#|Whse PO #| Engine Status"
'      ip_strColValueCollection: Expected value collection: "258|9564|Running"
'Return  value       "": If Fails
'       ROw number: If succeeds in finding a row
'Example:           returnValue = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails(objLeftGrid, objRightGrid, "5889550", "0108", "SSC#|Whse PO #| Engine Status", "258|9564|Running")
Public Function fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails(ip_objGridLeftGrid,ip_objGridRightGrid, ip_strItemNum, ip_strLineNum, ip_strColNameCollection, ip_strColValueCollection)
 Dim arrColNameCollection, arrValueCollection, intExpectedColIndex, intRowCount, intRowIndex
 Dim blnDetailsMatched, intDetailsIndex, strActualValue, strLineValue, intItemColNum
 Dim arrColNumCollection
 Dim intFindItemNumIndex, strItemNum
 fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails = "" 'indicates failure
 intItemColNum = funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(ip_objGridLeftGrid, "Item", 0, False)
 If Trim(intItemColNum) = "" Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Find Columns", "Unable to find the column with name as Item", Browser("Browser Main")
  fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails = "" 'indicates failure
  Exit Function
 End If
 arrColNameCollection = Split(ip_strColNameCollection, "|")
 arrValueCollection = Split(ip_strColValueCollection, "|")
 ReDim arrColNumCollection(UBound(arrColNameCollection))

 For intExpectedColIndex = 0 To UBound(arrColNameCollection)
  arrColNumCollection(intExpectedColIndex) = funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(ip_objGridRightGrid, Trim(arrColNameCollection(intExpectedColIndex)), 0, False)
  If Trim(arrColNumCollection(intExpectedColIndex)) = "" Then
   Fun_ReportFailure "Find Columns", "Unable to find the column with name as:" & arrColNameCollection(intExpectedColIndex), Browser("Browser Main")
   fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails = "" 'indicates failure
   Exit Function
  End If

 intRowCount = ip_objGridLeftGrid.GetROProperty("rows")
 For intRowIndex = 0 To intRowCount - 1
   blnDetailsMatched = True
   For intDetailsIndex = 0 To UBound(arrValueCollection)
    strActualValue = ip_objGridRightGrid.GetCellData(intRowIndex, arrColNumCollection(intDetailsIndex))
    Select Case UCase(Trim(arrValueCollection(intDetailsIndex)))
      Case "BLANK"
           If Trim(strActualValue) <> "" Then
            blnDetailsMatched = False
            Exit For
           End If
      Case "NON BLANK"   
           If Trim(strActualValue) = "" Then
            blnDetailsMatched = False
            Exit For
           End If
      Case Else
           If Trim(strActualValue) <> Trim(arrValueCollection(intDetailsIndex)) Then
            blnDetailsMatched = False
            Exit For
           End If
    End Select
   If blnDetailsMatched = True Then
     strLineValue = ip_objGridLeftGrid.GetCellData(intRowIndex, intItemColNum)
     If Trim(strLineValue) = Trim(ip_strLineNum) Then
       For intFindItemNumIndex = intRowIndex - 1 To 0 Step -1
         strItemNum = Trim(ip_objGridLeftGrid.GetCellData(intFindItemNumIndex, intItemColNum))
         If Len(strItemNum) = 7 Then
          If Trim(strItemNum) = Trim(ip_strItemNum) Then
           fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails = intFindItemNumIndex
           Exit Function
           Exit For
          End If
         End If               
     End If 
   End If
End Function

'Function Name:   fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails
'Purpose :           This function will return the expected lot under the javatable
'Parameters:      ip_objLeftGrid: Object Left Table which contains Item Lot information
'      ip_strItemNum: Expected Item Number EX: 5889550
'      ip_strLineNum: Expected Line Number under the given lot EX: 0108
'Return  value       "": If Fails
'       ROw number: If succeeds in finding a row
'Example:           returnValue = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails(objLeftGrid, "5889550", "0108")
Public Function fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails(ip_objLeftGrid, ip_strItemNum, ip_strLineNum)
 Dim intRowCount, intItemColNum, intRowIndex, strLineValue, intFindItemNumIndex, strItemNum
 fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails = ""
 intRowCount = ip_objLeftGrid.GetROProperty("rows")
 intItemColNum = funGetColumnNumberFromJavaTable(ip_objLeftGrid, "Item", 0, False)
 If Trim(Cstr(intItemColNum)) = "" Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Validate Item column", "Unable to find column with name Item", Browser("Browser Main")
  fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails = ""
  Exit Function
 End If
 For intRowIndex = 0 To intRowCount - 1
  strLineValue = ip_objLeftGrid.GetCellData(intRowIndex, intItemColNum)
  If Trim(strLineValue) = Trim(ip_strLineNum) Then
    For intFindItemNumIndex = intRowIndex - 1 To 0 Step -1
      strItemNum = Trim(ip_objLeftGrid.GetCellData(intFindItemNumIndex, intItemColNum))
      If Len(strItemNum) = 7 Then
       If Trim(strItemNum) = Trim(ip_strItemNum) Then
        fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails = intFindItemNumIndex
        Exit For
       End If
      End If               
  End If 
End Function

'Function Name:   Fun_SelectingRows
'Purpose :           This Function will Select Rows depending on Line Item,Lot Number,Warehouse Number, Source DI
'Parameters:      ip_objLeftGrid: Object Left Table which contains Item Lot information
'      ip_objRightGrid: Object Right Table which contains Source DI and WarehouseDetails
'      ip_strItemsToBeSelected: Expected Item Numbers to be selected EX: "5230304|L|2965"
'      ip_strSourceDI: Expected Source DI numbers to be Selected EX: "77793247-00"
'Return  value       "": If Fails
'       ROw number: If succeeds in finding a row
'Example:           Fun_SelectingRows = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails(objLeftGrid,ip_objRightGrid, "5230304##9764|L|2965", "77793247-00")
Function Fun_SelectingRows(ByRef ip_objLeftGrid, ByRef ip_objRightGrid, ip_strItemsToBeSelected, ip_strSourceDI)
 Dim strMatchedRowCollection,arrSourceDINumCollection,intItemIndex,arrItemCollection,arrItemDetails
 Dim arrItemWarehouseDetails,intTryIndex,strUpdatedSourceDIValue,intMatchedRow,arrSourceDI
 strMatchedRowCollection = ""
 '<<< Select items based on the Source DI also along with item no and line no>>>
 arrItemCollection = Split(ip_strItemsToBeSelected, ",")
 If Trim(ip_strSourceDI) <> "" Then
   arrSourceDINumCollection = Split(ip_strSourceDI, ",")
 End If 
 For intItemIndex = 0 To UBound(arrItemCollection)   
   arrItemDetails = Split(arrItemCollection(intItemIndex), "|")
   If Instr(arrItemDetails(0), "##") Then
     arrItemWarehouseDetails = Split(arrItemDetails(0), "##")
     If Trim(ip_strSourceDI) <> "" Then
       '<<< Getting Row Number with Warehouse Details and  Source DI>>>
       '<<< Ignoring the -00, -01, -02 -03 >>>
       arrSourceDI = Split(arrSourceDINumCollection(intItemIndex), "-")
       For intTryIndex = 0 To 3
        strUpdatedSourceDIValue = arrSourceDI(0) & "-0" & CStr(intTryIndex)       
        intMatchedRow = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails(ip_objLeftGrid, ip_objRightGrid, arrItemWarehouseDetails(0), arrItemDetails(2), "PO Whse #|Source DI #", arrItemWarehouseDetails(1) & "|" & strUpdatedSourceDIValue)
        If CStr(intMatchedRow) <> "" Then
         '<<< Indicates expected row with source DI is found >>>
         Exit For
        End If
       '<<< Getting Row Number with Warehouse Details and  without Source DI>>>
       intMatchedRow = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails(ip_objLeftGrid, ip_objRightGrid, arrItemWarehouseDetails(0), arrItemDetails(2), "PO Whse #", arrItemWarehouseDetails(1))
     End If
     '<<< Getting Row Number without Warehouse Details with Source DI>>>
     If Trim(ip_strSourceDI) <> "" Then
       '<<< Ignoring the -00, -01, -02 -03 >>>
       arrSourceDI = Split(arrSourceDINumCollection(intItemIndex), "-")
       For intTryIndex = 0 To 3
        strUpdatedSourceDIValue = arrSourceDI(0) & "-0" & CStr(intTryIndex)       
        intMatchedRow = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithDetails(ip_objLeftGrid, ip_objRightGrid, arrItemDetails(0), arrItemDetails(2), "Source DI #", strUpdatedSourceDIValue)
        If CStr(intMatchedRow) <> "" Then
         '<<< Indicates expected row with source DI is found >>>
         Exit For
        End If
       '<<< Getting Row Number without Warehouse Details and Source DI>>>      
       intMatchedRow = fun_GetLotRowNumberWithoutDetails(ip_objLeftGrid, arrItemDetails(0), arrItemDetails(2))
     End If
   End If
   If CStr(intMatchedRow) <> "" Then
    ip_objLeftGrid.SelectCell intMatchedRow, 0
    strMatchedRowCollection = strMatchedRowCollection & "|" & Cstr(intMatchedRow)
    '<<< Expected Row with Lot and Source DI details not found >>>
    Fun_ReportFailure "Validate if Row with Lot and Source DI details found", "Validate if Row with Lot and Source DI details found", Browser("Browser Main")
   End If
 Fun_SelectingRows = Right(strMatchedRowCollection, Len(strMatchedRowCollection) - 1)
End Function

QTP & QC->DB->Code for funcitons to connect to Database and exexute query.

'Function Name:   fun_OpenDBConnection(ip_objDBConnection, ip_strConnectionString)
'Description :        Used to connect to the database based upon the connection string passed
'Parameters:        ip_objDBConnection: Connection object which will be used for db connection
'        ip_strConnectionString : Actual connection string
'Return  value       0 : Indicates the successful deleteion of the file
'        Non Zero Vale: Indicates the failure and contains the error description for the failure  
'Example:            fun_OpenDBConnection(objDBConnection, "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=NALXTST2;Uid=ab4p_app01;Pwd=ab4p_app01_bibtb;")
Public Function fun_OpenDBConnection(ip_objDBConnection, ip_strConnectionString)
   On Error Resume Next
   ip_objDBConnection.ConnectionString= ip_strConnectionString
    If Err.Description <> "" Then
     '<<< Return the error code along with the description if function is unable to make connection >>>
     fun_OpenDBConnection = Err.Description & VBNewLine &  Err.source
     Exit Function
    '<<< Return 1 if function is able to make connection successfully >>>
    fun_OpenDBConnection = ip_objDBConnection.State
   End If  
End Function

'Function Name:   fun_ExecuteQuery(ip_objDBConnection,ip_strQuery)
'Description :        Used to execute the query to retrieve the record set
'Parameters:        ip_objDBConnection: Connection object which will be used for db connection
'        ip_strQuery : Actual query to be executed
'Return  value       Error text with error description
'          Recordset as a result of query execution
'Example:            fun_ExecuteQuery(objDBConnection, "Select * from MyTable")
Public Function fun_ExecuteQuery(ip_objDBConnection,ip_strQuery)
   On Error resume next
   Dim objRes
   '<<< Get the result set by executing the passed query >>>
    Set objRes = ip_objDBConnection.Execute(ip_strQuery)
    If Err.Description <> "" Then
     fun_ExecuteQuery = "ERROR: " & VBNewLine & Err.Description & VBNewLine &  Err.source
    '<<< ---------- Converting the Recorset to the array ---------- >>>
    Dim intTotalRows , intTotalColumns
    intTotalRows = 0
    intTotalColumns = objRes.Fields.Count - 1
    '<<< Calculating the total rows returned by the recordset >>>
    While objRes.EOF = False
      intTotalRows = intTotalRows + 1
    '<<< Forming the Array based upon t he total Rows and Total Coulns returned by the query >>>
    Dim arrCollection()
    ReDim arrCollection(CInt(intTotalRows) - 1, intTotalColumns)
    '<<< Get the recordset cursor to the first point >>>
    Dim intRowIndex, intColumnIndex
    intRowIndex = 0
    While objRes.EOF = False
      For intColumnIndex = 0 To objRes.Fields.Count -1  
       If  CStr(objRes.fields(intColumnIndex).Value) <> "" Then
          arrCollection(intRowIndex, intColumnIndex) = objRes.fields(intColumnIndex).Value   
       End If
      intRowIndex = CInt(intRowIndex) + 1
    '<<< Return the newly formed array >>>
    fun_ExecuteQuery = arrCollection
   End If
End Function

Example Code:-
 Set objDatabaseCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
 Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")

strConString="Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=NALXTST2;Uid=ab4p_app01;Pwd=ab4p_app01_bibtb;")

strConnectionState =  fun_OpenDBConnection(objDatabaseCon, strConString)
    '<<< Exit the component if the connection status is not returned as 1 => connection was not successfll >>>
    If CStr(strConnectionState) <> "1" Then
     Fun_ReportFailure "Connecting to database " & vbNewLine & strConString, "Unable to make connection :" & vbNewLine & strConnectionState, Nothing
    End If

    strQuery = "select * from bridge.pl2pom_logical_msg where system_id in (select system_id from bridge.pl2pom_xml_msg where correlation_id ='" & Trim(arrAllocCollection(3)) & "')"

    '<<<Collecting the result of the query in to an array>>>
    arrRecordSet =  fun_ExecuteQuery(objDatabaseCon, strQuery)
    '<<<----- Validate the return type from the function call ------ >>>
    If Not IsArray(arrRecordSet) Then
     If Instr(arrRecordSet, "ERROR") Then
      Fun_ReportFailure "Execute Query", "Unable to execute the following query due to the error :" & arrRecordSet & vbNewLine & " Query: " & strQuery, Nothing
      Fun_ReportFailure "Execute Query", "Unable to execute the following query : " & strQuery, Nothing
     End If
     If UBound(arrRecordSet) < 0 Then
      Fun_ReportFailure "Execute Query", "Unable to retrieve any rows by executing the following query : " & VBNewline & strQuery, Nothing 
     End If
    End If

QTP & QC ->Code for to delete the existing file at specified path

'Function Name:   fun_DeleteExistingFile(ip_strFileName)
'Description :        Used to delete the existing file at path ip_strFileName
'Parameters:        ip_strFileName: Path of the file need to be deleted
'Return  value       0 : Indicates the successful deletion of the file
'        Non Zero Vale: Indicates the failure and contains the error description for the failure  
'Example:            fun_DeleteExistingFile("C:\MyFile.xls")
Public Function fun_DeleteExistingFile(ip_strFileName)
 On Error Resume Next
 Dim objFileSystem, objFile
 Set objFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
 '<<< Attempt to Delete the file only if the file exists >>>
 If (objFileSystem.FileExists(ip_strFileName)) Then
  Set objFile = objFileSystem.GetFile(ip_strFileName)
 End If
 '<<< Any error during the Delete operation, will be captured in Err object and will be sent back to the calling the function >>>
 If Err.Description <> "" Then
   '<<< Return the error code along with the description if function is unable to delete a file >>>
   fun_DeleteExistingFile = Err.Description & VBNewLine &  Err.source
   Exit Function
  '<<< Return Zero if function is able to delete a file successfully >>>
  fun_DeleteExistingFile = 0
 End If
End Function

Example Code:-
   Parameter("p_POFilesLocation")  = "C:\EFAS_Tools\Automation\PO_Files"
   strPOFilePath = Parameter("p_POFilesLocation") & "\POMsg.txt"      
   Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   '<<<Delete the file if it exists in the specified path>>>
   strFileStatus= fun_DeleteExistingFile(strPOFilePath)
   If  CStr(strFileStatus) <> "0" Then
    Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the file deleted", "Text file not deleted in the specified path : ERROR : " & strFileStatus , Nothing
   End If

Excel-> Functions to get the column number & Row number From Excel sheet for a paricular text

'<<<<<<Function to get the column number From Excel sheet for a paricular text>>>>
'Function Name: funGetColumnNumberInExcel(ip_objWorksheet, ip_strExpectedColumnName, ip_intRowNumber, ip_intStartColumnNumberIndex, ip_blnIsRelativeComparison)
'Description :     Used to get the column number from the Excel sheet in particular row from particular column number
'Parameters:     ip_objWorksheet: Create an object for the Excel sheet
        'ip_strExpectedColumnName: Need to enter the particular text which to you get the column number
        'ip_intRowNumber: In which row you want to start the search for the partiuclar text
        'ip_intStartColumnNumberIndex= From which column you need to start the searching for the particular text
        'ip_blnIsRelativeComparison= need to compare the full exact text or partival text, need to send the parameter as True or Fasle
'Return  value   Number: Returns the column number of the particular text
'Example:        funGetColumnNumberInExcel(objWorksheet, "Max", 4, intColumnNumber, False)
'<<<<<<Function to get the column number from the Excel sheet for a paricular text>>>>
Function funGetColumnNumberInExcel(ip_objWorksheet, ip_strExpectedColumnName, ip_intRowNumber, ip_intStartColumnNumberIndex, ip_blnIsRelativeComparison)
  '<<< Default Return value is set as empty >>>
 funGetColumnNumberInExcel = ""
 Dim strActualColumnName, intTotalColumnCount, intColumnStartIndex
 Wait 4
 intTotalColumnCount = ip_objWorksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
 '<<< Extract the cell value from given row number starting from the mentioned start index for column >>>
 For intColumnStartIndex = ip_intStartColumnNumberIndex To intTotalColumnCount
  strActualColumnName = ip_objWorksheet.Cells(ip_intRowNumber, intColumnStartIndex).Value
  '<<< Using Instr function for relative comparison based upon the flag value passed >>>
  If ip_blnIsRelativeComparison = True Then  
   If Instr(UCase(Trim(strActualColumnName)),UCase(Trim(ip_strExpectedColumnName))) Then
    funGetColumnNumberInExcel = intColumnStartIndex
    Exit Function
   End If
   If UCase(Trim(strActualColumnName)) = UCase(Trim(ip_strExpectedColumnName)) Then
    funGetColumnNumberInExcel = intColumnStartIndex
    Exit Function
   End If
  End If 
End Function

'<<<<<<Function to get the Row number from the Excel sheet of a paricular text>>>>
'Function Name: funGetRowNumberInExcel(ip_objWorksheet, ip_strExpectedRowValue, ip_intColumnNumber, ip_intStartRowNumberIndex, ip_blnIsRelativeComparison)
'Description :     Used to get the Row number from the Excel sheet in particular Column from particular Row number
'Parameters:     ip_objWorksheet: Create an object for the Excel sheet
        'ip_strExpectedRowValue: Need to enter the particular text which to you get the Row number
        'ip_intColumnNumber: In which Column you want to start the search for the partiuclar text
        'ip_intStartRowNumberIndex= From which Row you need to start the searching for the particular text
        'ip_blnIsRelativeComparison= need to compare the full exact text or partival text, need to send the parameter as True or Fasle
'Return  value   Number: Returns the Row number of the particular text
'Example:         funGetRowNumberInExcel(objWorksheet, "Chain Total", intStoreColumnNumber,1, True)
Function funGetRowNumberInExcel(ip_objWorksheet, ip_strExpectedRowValue, ip_intColumnNumber, ip_intStartRowNumberIndex, ip_blnIsRelativeComparison)
  '<<< Default Return value is set as empty >>>
 funGetRowNumberInExcel = ""
 Dim strActualRowValue, intTotalRowCount, intRowStartIndex
 Wait 4
 intTotalRowCount = ip_objWorksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
 '<<< Extract the cell value from given row number starting from the mentioned start index for column >>>
 For intRowStartIndex = ip_intStartRowNumberIndex To intTotalRowCount
  strActualRowValue = ip_objWorksheet.Cells(intRowStartIndex, ip_intColumnNumber).Value
  '<<< Using Instr function for relative comparison based upon the flag value passed >>>
  If ip_blnIsRelativeComparison = True Then  
   If Instr(UCase(Trim(strActualRowValue)),UCase(Trim(ip_strExpectedRowValue))) Then
    funGetRowNumberInExcel = intRowStartIndex
    Exit Function
   End If
   If UCase(Trim(strActualRowValue)) = UCase(Trim(ip_strExpectedRowValue)) Then
    funGetRowNumberInExcel = intRowStartIndex
    Exit Function
   End If
  End If 
End Function

QTP & QC -> Code for Select the Date from the Date Picker.

'<<< funtion will select the date from date picker based on the input data.>>>
'Function Name:  Fun_DatePicker(ip_Obj, ip_InputDate)
'Description :     Select the Date from the Date Picker on the Screen as per the User Input Date.
'Author:                Naresh Gupta. D
'Parameters:      Input date, Calendar Object
'Return  value      1 for fail
'Example:     Call Fun_DatePicker(objCalendar, Parameter("p_AR_RS_NightOfDate"))
                      '<<<Decleration of Object for Calendar>>>
       'Dim objCalendar
                      'Set objCalendar = Browser("Browser Main").Page("Run Model").Image("Calendar")
Function Fun_DatePicker(ip_Obj, ip_InputDate)
 Dim arrDateDetailsCollection, intDay, intMonth, intYear, intYearFromCalendar, intDifOfYears, intMaxWaitCount
 Fun_DatePicker = "0"
 arrDateDetailsCollection=Split(ip_InputDate, "/")
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is numeric or not>>>
 If (Not IsNumeric(arrDateDetailsCollection(0))) Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Month", "Invalid input passed for Month field and that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(0), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is less than Zero or Empty or Greater than 12>>>
 ElseIf arrDateDetailsCollection(0) <= 0 Or arrDateDetailsCollection(0) = ""  Or arrDateDetailsCollection(0) > 12 Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Month", "Invalid input passed for Month field and that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(0), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 End If
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is numeric or not>>>
 If (Not IsNumeric(arrDateDetailsCollection(1))) Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Date", "Invalid input passed for the Date field that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(1), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is less than Zero or Empty or Greater than 31>>>
 ElseIf arrDateDetailsCollection(1) <= 0 Or arrDateDetailsCollection(1) = ""   Or  arrDateDetailsCollection(1) > 31 Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Date", "Invalid input passed for the Date field that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(1), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 End If
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is numeric or not>>>
 If (Not IsNumeric(arrDateDetailsCollection(2))) Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Year", "Invalid input passed for the Year filed that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(2), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is less than Zero or Empty>>>
 ElseIf arrDateDetailsCollection(2) <= 0 Or arrDateDetailsCollection(2) = "" Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Year", "Invalid input passed for the Year filed that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(2), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 End If


 '<<<If the Year in the input date is more than the present year then it will click on ">>" button and select that particular Year>>>
 If (intDifOfYears>0) then
  Do while (intDifOfYears>0)
     If intYear=  Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebEdit("year").GetROProperty("Value") then
      Exit Do
    End if
 End if

 '<<<If the Year in the input date is Less than the present year then it will click on "<<" button and select that particular Year>>>
 If(intDifOfYears<0) then
  Do while (intDifOfYears<0)
     If intYear=  Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebEdit("year").GetROProperty("Value") then
      Exit Do
    End if
 End if

 '<<<Select the particualr month as per the user input month>>>
 If Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebList("month").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
  Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebList("month").SelectIfNotNull intMonth
 End if

 '<<<Select the particualr Date as per the user input Date>>>

 '<<<Do Loop for a time of  intConstShortWaitTime and get exists when the calendar window gets closed>>>
 intMaxWaitCount = intConstShortWaitTime
 Do While intMaxWaitCount > 0
  If Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Exist(1) Then  
   intMaxWaitCount = CInt(intMaxWaitCount) - 1
   Exit Do
  End If
End Function

QTP & QC-> Code for function to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets displayed in the screen & in exists

'Function Name : Fun_WaitForObjectExists
'Description   This function is used to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets displayed in the screen
'Parameters      ip_obj : Expected object     
'         ip_MaxWaitCount : Total max wait * 2 time in sec for the expected object to get displayed
'Return Val ue     0: indicates success
'       1: indicates failure
' Ex:ample    Fun_WaitForObjectExists(ip_obj, 20)
Function Fun_WaitForObjectExists(ip_obj, ip_MaxWaitCount)
  Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "1" 'Indicates Failure 
  Wait intConstShortWaitTime '<<< --- This wait is reuired to synch the application browser --- >>>

  '<<< ------- Keep looping until the object is found to be existing in the application -------- >>>
  Do While CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount) > 0
   If ip_obj.Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then    
    Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "0" '<<< --- Set the flag as success and exit the loop ----- >>>
    Exit Do
    '<<< --------- Decriment the counter by 1 and loop back -------- >>>>
    Wait intConstShortWaitTime
    ip_MaxWaitCount  = CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount ) - 1    
   End If

  '<<< ------ If the flag is found to be still under initial status it indicates the failure of the object identification ------ >>>
  If Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "1" Then
    Fun_ReportFailure "Application sync event" , "Expected Object is not displayed in the screen within the given wait time", Browser("Browser Main")
   End If
End Function
'Function Name : Fun_WaitForObjectInExists
'Description   This function is used to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets disappears from the screen
'Parameters      ip_obj : Expected object     
'         ip_MaxWaitCount : Total max wait * 2 time in sec for the expected object to get displayed
'Return Val ue     Null: If expected object gets displayed
'        Exists the component iteration if expected object does not disappears 
' Ex:ample    Fun_WaitForObjectInExists(ip_obj, 20)
Function Fun_WaitForObjectInExists(ip_obj, ip_MaxWaitCount)
   Dim blnFlag
   blnFlag = "1"
   Wait intConstShortWaitTime '<<< --- This wait is reuired to synch the application browser --- >>>
   '<<< ------- Keep looping until the object is found to be inexisting in the application -------- >>>
   Do While CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount) > 0
    If ip_obj.Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then    
     '<<< --------- Decriment the counter by 1 and loop back -------- >>>>
     Wait intConstShortWaitTime
     ip_MaxWaitCount  = CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount ) - 1     
     blnFlag = "0"  '<<< --- Set the flag as success and exit the loop ----- >>>
     Exit Do   
    End If
   '<<< ------ If the flag is found to be still under initial status it indicates the failure of the object identification ------ >>>
   If blnFlag = "1" Then
     Fun_ReportFailure "Application synch event" , "Expected Object does not inexist in the screen within the given max wait time", Browser("Browser Main")
            End If
   Fun_WaitForObjectInExists = blnFlag
End Function

QTP & QC - Code for function to wait till the browser is not busy

'Function Name:   fun_CustomSync()
'Description :        Used to wait till the browser is not busy
'Parameters:        NA
'Return  value       NA
'Registerd To       Browser
'Example:              fun_CustomSync()
Public Function fun_CustomSync(ByRef test_object)
  If  test_object.Object.Busy = False Then
   Exit Do
  End If            
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "fun_CustomSync", "fun_CustomSync"

QTP & QC-> Code for function to get the column number of activex grid for a given header text, 2nd for in a row

'Function Name:   fun_GetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText(strText)
'Description :        Used to get the column number of activex grid for a given header text
'Parameters:        strText
'Return  value       Int
'Registerd To      AcxTable
'Example:              fun_GetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText("Description")

Public Function fun_GetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText(ByRef test_object , strText)
   Dim i
    For i = 2 to test_object.ColumnCount
  If  Trim(test_object.GetCellData(1 , i )) = strText Then
   fun_GetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText = i
   Exit For
  End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "AcxTable", "fun_GetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText", "fun_GetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText"

'Function Name:   fun_ExGetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText(strText , intRow)
'Description :        Used to get the column number of activex grid for a given header text
'Parameters:        strText
'Return  value       Int
'Registerd To      AcxTable
'Base Project      EFAS
'Example:              fun_ExGetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText("Description" , 2)
Public Function fun_ExGetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText(ByRef test_object , strText , intRow)
   Dim i
    For i = 2 to test_object.ColumnCount
  If  Trim(test_object.GetCellData(intRow , i )) = strText Then
   fun_ExGetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText = i
   Exit For
  End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "AcxTable", "fun_ExGetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText", "fun_ExGetColumnNumberWithGivenHeaderText"

QTP & QC : Code to enter or select data in webedit, weblist, webcheckbox if not null

'Function Name:   WebEdit_SetIfNotNull(strValue)
'Description :        Used to set the Parameter value if it is not NULL
'Parameters:        strValue
'Return  value       NA
'Example:              WebEdit_SetIfNotNull Parameter("Name")
Function WebEdit_SetIfNotNull(test_object , strValue )
 If Trim(strValue) <> "" Then
  If test_object.Exist(5) Then
   If test_object.GetROProperty("disabled") = 0 Then
    test_object.Set strValue
   End If
  End If
 End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "WebEdit", "SetIfNotNull", "WebEdit_SetIfNotNull"

'Function Name:   WebCheckBox_SetIfNotNull(strValue)
'Description :        Used to set the Parameter value if it is not NULL
'Parameters:        strValue
'Return  value       NA
'Registerd To      WebCheckBox
'Example:              WebCheckBox_SetIfNotNull Parameter("Name")
Function WebCheckBox_SetIfNotNull(test_object , strValue )
 If Trim(strValue) <> "" Then
  If test_object.Exist(5) Then
   If test_object.GetROProperty("disabled") = 0 Then
    test_object.Set strValue
   End If
  End If
 End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "WebCheckBox", "SetIfNotNull", "WebCheckBox_SetIfNotNull"

'Function Name:   WebList_SelectIfNotNull(strValue)
'Description :        Used to set the Parameter value if it is not NULL
'Parameters:        strValue
'Return  value       NA
'Registerd To      WebList
'Example:              WebList_SelectIfNotNull Parameter("Name")
Function WebList_SelectIfNotNull(test_object , strValue )
 If Trim(strValue) <> "" Then
  If test_object.Exist(5) Then
   If test_object.GetROProperty("disabled") = 0 Then
    test_object.Select strValue
   End If
  End If
 End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "WebList", "SelectIfNotNull", "WebList_SelectIfNotNull"

Example code:-

Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").WebList("levelList").SelectIfNotNull "Color"
Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").WebEdit("levelList").SetIfNotNull "Color"
Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").WebCheckbox("levelList").SetIfNotNull "ON"

QTP & QC : Code for function to get the required row number for the specified text matches partially as serach string in particular column

'Function Name:   fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText(strRequiredText, intColumn)
'Description :        Used to get the required row number for the specified text  matches partially as serach string
'Author          :    Naresh Gupta . D
'Parameters:        strRequiredText , intColumn
'Return  value       integer
'Registerd To      AcxTable
'Base Project      EFAS
'Example:              fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText("Haslet" , 1)
Function fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText(test_Object, strRequiredText, intColumn)
 Dim intRowCount,i
 fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText = ""
 intRowCount = test_object.RowCount
 For i = 1 to intRowCount
  If Instr(Trim(test_Object.GetCellData(i, intColumn)), Trim(strRequiredText)) Then
   fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText = i
   Exit For
  End If
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "AcxTable", "fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText", "fun_Ex_Acx_GetRowWithText"

we can use the same function to get the row number in a webtable of a particular column
but need to create a object for the webtable.

Example Code: -

Set objGrid = Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").AcxTable("FarPoint Spread 6.0")

intChainTotalRowNumber = Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").AcxTable("FarPoint Spread 6.0").fun_Acx_GetRowWithText("(+) Chain Total", intStoreColumnNumber)

QTP & QC ->Code for to get the required row number for the specified text as serach string

'Function Name:   fun_Acx_GetRowWithText(strRequiredText , intColumn)
'Description :        Used to get the required row number for the specified text as serach string
'Parameters:        strRequiredText , intColumn
                          int Column : need to enter the column number, in which column you are searching to get the row number of particular text
                          strRequiredText: Need to give the text
'Return  value       integer
'Registerd To      AcxTable
'Example:             fun_Acx_GetRowWithText("322" , 2)
Function fun_Acx_GetRowWithText(test_object,strRequiredText , intColumn)
 Dim intRowCount,i
 fun_Acx_GetRowWithText = ""
 intRowCount = test_object.RowCount
 For i = 2 to intRowCount
  If Trim(test_object.GetCellData(i,intColumn)) = Trim(strRequiredText) Then
   fun_Acx_GetRowWithText = i
   Exit For
  End If
End Function

RegisterUserFunc "AcxTable", "fun_Acx_GetRowWithText", "fun_Acx_GetRowWithText"

Same function can be used for webtable also. but need to create an object for the webtable

Example Code:-

Set objGrid = Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").AcxTable("FarPoint Spread 6.0")

intChainTotalRowNumber = Browser("Browser Main").Page("Allocation Review").AcxTable("FarPoint Spread 6.0").fun_Acx_GetRowWithText("(+) Chain Total", intStoreColumnNumber)

QTP & QC ->Code for to close all IE browsers except HP Quality Center

'Function Name:  sub_CloseOpenedBrowsers
'Description :        Used to close all IE browsers except HP Quality Center
'Parameters:        None
'Return  value       None
'Registerd To      NA
'Example:              fun_CloseOpenedBrowsers()
Sub sub_CloseOpenedBrowsers()
 Dim objDesktopChild, objDesktopChildCollection, intCounter, intHWND
 'Get collection of desktop objects
 Set objDesktopChild = Description.Create
 objDesktopChild("micclass").Value = "Browser"
 Set objDesktopChildCollection = Desktop.ChildObjects(objDesktopChild)
 'Identify the browsers and close all the browsers except HP QC
 For intCounter = 0 to objDesktopChildCollection.Count - 1
  If Instr( 1 , lcase(objDesktopChildCollection(intCounter).GetROProperty("title")) , "hp quality center" ) = 0 And Instr(1 , lcase(objDesktopChildCollection(intCounter).object.document.url) , "" ) = 0  Then
   intHWND = objDesktopChildCollection(intCounter).Object.HWND
  End If

End Sub

QTP & QC->Code for function to check the existence of object and report pass/fail

'Function Name :  Fun_CheckObjectAndReport
'Description    Use this function to check the existence of object and report pass/fail
'Parameters   strStepName , strDescription         
'Return Val ue      True/False
'Registerd To     Web Objects
' Ex:ample     Fun_CheckObjectAndReport "Main Menu" , "Header displayed"
Public Function Fun_CheckObjectAndReport(ByRef test_object , strStepName )
 Dim strParentMicClass
 Dim objParent   
 'Set the mic class of the parent object  
 strParentMicClass = "Browser"
 'Check if object exists and do the reporting success
 If  test_object.Exist Then
  Fun_ReportSuccess strStepName , "Exists"
  Fun_CheckObjectAndReport = True
  'If object doesn't exist get the parent object and have a snapshot of the screen report failure
  Set objParent = test_object.GetTOProperty("parent")
  Do Until objParent.GetROProperty("micclass") = strParentMicClass
   Set objParent = objParent.GetTOProperty("parent")
  Fun_ReportFailure strStepName , "Doesn't Exists" , objParent
  Fun_CheckObjectAndReport = False
 End If
 'Kill the objects
 Set objParent = Nothing
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "WebElement", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport"
RegisterUserFunc "Link", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport"
RegisterUserFunc "Image", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport"
RegisterUserFunc "WebButton", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport"
RegisterUserFunc "Browser", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport"
RegisterUserFunc "Window", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport", "Fun_CheckObjectAndReport"

QTP & QC -> Code for function to call a reporter event with micfail

'Function Name : Fun_ReportFailure
'Description   Use this function to call a reporter event with micfail and have the error snapshot in result directory/ upload to QC run if connected
'Parameters     strStepName , strDescription , objSnapshot  
'Return Val ue     NA
' Example    Fun_ReportFailure "Main Menu" , "Header displayed" , Browser("main")  
Function Fun_ReportFailure(strStepName , strDescription , objSnapshot)
   If  Not objSnapshot Is Nothing Then
  'Call the micFail reporter event and associated to the report 

  Extern.Declare micLong, "SetForegroundWindow","user32.dll", "SetForegroundWindow", micLong
  Extern.SetForegroundWindow objSnapshot.Object.HWND
  'Capture snapshot of the object provided
  objSnapshot.CaptureBitmap Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & FunTestIterationNumber & "_" & strStepName & ".png" , True

  Reporter.ReportEvent  micFail  , FunTestIterationNumber & "_QTP_" & strStepName , strDescription , Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & FunTestIterationNumber & "_" & strStepName & ".png"
  'Call the micFail reporter event and associated to the report
  Reporter.ReportEvent  micFail  , FunTestIterationNumber & "_QTP_" & strStepName , strDescription 
 End If
End Function

QTP & QC->Code for create the function to call a reporter event with micPass

'Function Name : Fun_ReportSuccess
'Description   Use this function to call a reporter event with micPAss
'Parameters     strStepName , strDescription        
' Example    Fun_ReportSuccess "Main Menu" , "Header displayed"
Function Fun_ReportSuccess(strStepName , strDescription)
 Reporter.ReportEvent micPass , FunTestIterationNumber & "_QTP_" & strStepName , strDescription
End Function

QTP & QC ->Code to capture error message displayed in web dialog page

'Function Name : Fun_CheckForErrorMessage
'Description    Use this function to capture error message displayed in web dialog page
'Parameters   NA         
'Return Val ue     True - If error exists :: False - If no error
'Registerd To  NA
'Base Project  EFAS
' Ex:ample    Fun_CheckForErrorMessage()
Function Fun_CheckForErrorMessage()
 Dim desTemp,objChildWinCol,intWindowCounter,intPageCounter,objChildPageCol,objMessageDIV,objStaticCol,intStaticCount,objButtonCol
 strErrorMessage = ""
 Fun_CheckForErrorMessage = False
 'Create temp description object to get the collection
 Set desTemp = Description.Create
 'Desktop object child collection
 Set objChildWinCol = Desktop.ChildObjects(desTemp)
 'Identify the Error window dialog
 For intWindowCounter = 0 to objChildWinCol.Count - 1
  'Identify error in a dialog window
  If  objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).GetROProperty("nativeclass") = "Internet Explorer_TridentDlgFrame"  And   Trim(objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).GetROProperty("title")) = "-- Webpage Dialog" Then
   Set objChildPageCol = objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).ChildObjects(desTemp)
   'Get the error message from the error dialog page
   For intPageCounter = 0 to objChildPageCol.Count - 1
    If  objChildPageCol(intPageCounter).GetROProperty("micclass") = "Page" Then
     'Identify the error message area and get the innertext     
     If Instr(1 , objChildPageCol(intPageCounter).Object.body.InnerHTML , "error_icon" ) > 0 Then
      'Capture bitmap of the error
      objChildPageCol(intPageCounter).CaptureBitmap Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & FunTestIterationNumber & "_" & "Error snaphot" & ".png" , True
      Reporter.ReportEvent micFail , "Error" , "Error snapshot" , Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & FunTestIterationNumber & "_" & "Error snaphot" & ".png"
      Set objMessageDIV = objChildPageCol(intPageCounter).Object.GetElementsByTagName("DIV")   
      strErrorMessage =  objMessageDIV(objMessageDIV.Length - 1).innerText
      Fun_CheckForErrorMessage = True
      Fun_CheckForErrorMessage = False
     End If    
     Exit For
    End If
   'Close the error window
   Exit For
  'Identify error in a message box
  ElseIf objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).GetROProperty("nativeclass") = "#32770"  And   Trim(objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).GetROProperty("text")) = "Microsoft Internet Explorer" Then
   'Capture bitmap of the error
   objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).CaptureBitmap Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & FunTestIterationNumber & "_" & "Error snaphot" & ".png" , True
   Reporter.ReportEvent micFail , "Error" , "Error snapshot" , Environment("ResultDir") & "\" & FunTestIterationNumber & "_" & "Error snaphot" & ".png"
   'Get the collection of  message box objects
   Set objStaticCol = objChildWinCol(intWindowCounter).ChildObjects(desTemp)
   For intStaticCount = 0 to objStaticCol.Count -1
    'get the collection of static objects text
    If objStaticCol(intStaticCount).GetRoProperty("micclass") = "Static" Then
     strErrorMessage = strErrorMessage & objStaticCol(intStaticCount).GetRoProperty("text")
     Fun_CheckForErrorMessage = True
    End If
   'close the error window
   Exit For
  End If
End Function

Active X - Code to Select /Deselect checkbox in a farpoint grid activeX control cell

'Function Name : Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox
'Description    Use this function to Select /Deselect checkbox in a farpoint grid activeX control cell
'Parameters   intRow, intCol , strOption
'           Options:
'             strOption = on :: Sets the checkbox on
'            strOption = off :: Sets the checkbox off            
'Return Val ue     True - If operation is sucess :: False - If the operation is failed
'Registerd To  AcxTable
' Ex:ample    Browser("Worklist: 322").Page("Worklist: 322").AcxTable("FarPoint Spread 6.0").Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox 3,1,"ON"
Public Function Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox(test_object , intRow , intCol , strOption)
 Dim objPageParentObj , objBrowserParentObj

 'Initiate the function return value to false
 Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox = False
 If  test_object.Exist Then
  'Make sure the window is visble - ActiveX table control needs to be visible
  Extern.Declare micLong, "ShowWindow","user32.dll", "ShowWindow", micLong, micLong
  Set objPageParentObj = test_object.GetTOProperty("parent")
  Set objBrowserParentObj = objPageParentObj.GetTOProperty("parent")
  Extern.ShowWindow objBrowserParentObj.Object.HWND , 3
  'Perform the operation on the checkbox based on the input and return the function status
  If  Ucase(strOption) = "ON" Then
    If test_object.GetCellData(intRow , intCol + 1 ) = "(-)" Or test_object.GetCellData(intRow , intCol + 1 ) = "(+)" Then
     Do Until test_object.GetCellData(intRow , intCol + 1 ) = ""
       test_object.ActivateCell intRow , intCol
       test_object.Type " "
      intRow = intRow + 1
     Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox = True
      test_object.ActivateCell intRow , intCol
      test_object.Type " "
     Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox = True
    End If
  ElseIf Ucase(strOption) = "OFF" Then
    If test_object.GetCellData(intRow , intCol + 1 ) = "(-)" Or test_object.GetCellData(intRow , intCol + 1 ) = "(+)" Then
     Do Until test_object.GetCellData(intRow , intCol + 1 ) = ""
      test_object.ActivateCell intRow , intCol
      test_object.Type " "
      intRow = intRow + 1
     Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox = True
     test_object.ActivateCell intRow , intCol
      test_object.Type " "
     Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox = True
    End If
  End If
 End If
End Function

RegisterUserFunc "AcxTable", "Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox", "Fun_Acx_TableCheckBox"