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Friday, September 9, 2011

QTP & QC -> Code for Select the Date from the Date Picker.

'<<< funtion will select the date from date picker based on the input data.>>>
'Function Name:  Fun_DatePicker(ip_Obj, ip_InputDate)
'Description :     Select the Date from the Date Picker on the Screen as per the User Input Date.
'Author:                Naresh Gupta. D
'Parameters:      Input date, Calendar Object
'Return  value      1 for fail
'Example:     Call Fun_DatePicker(objCalendar, Parameter("p_AR_RS_NightOfDate"))
                      '<<<Decleration of Object for Calendar>>>
       'Dim objCalendar
                      'Set objCalendar = Browser("Browser Main").Page("Run Model").Image("Calendar")
Function Fun_DatePicker(ip_Obj, ip_InputDate)
 Dim arrDateDetailsCollection, intDay, intMonth, intYear, intYearFromCalendar, intDifOfYears, intMaxWaitCount
 Fun_DatePicker = "0"
 arrDateDetailsCollection=Split(ip_InputDate, "/")
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is numeric or not>>>
 If (Not IsNumeric(arrDateDetailsCollection(0))) Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Month", "Invalid input passed for Month field and that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(0), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is less than Zero or Empty or Greater than 12>>>
 ElseIf arrDateDetailsCollection(0) <= 0 Or arrDateDetailsCollection(0) = ""  Or arrDateDetailsCollection(0) > 12 Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Month", "Invalid input passed for Month field and that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(0), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 End If
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is numeric or not>>>
 If (Not IsNumeric(arrDateDetailsCollection(1))) Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Date", "Invalid input passed for the Date field that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(1), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is less than Zero or Empty or Greater than 31>>>
 ElseIf arrDateDetailsCollection(1) <= 0 Or arrDateDetailsCollection(1) = ""   Or  arrDateDetailsCollection(1) > 31 Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Date", "Invalid input passed for the Date field that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(1), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 End If
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is numeric or not>>>
 If (Not IsNumeric(arrDateDetailsCollection(2))) Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Year", "Invalid input passed for the Year filed that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(2), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 '<<<Verifying the Month field is less than Zero or Empty>>>
 ElseIf arrDateDetailsCollection(2) <= 0 Or arrDateDetailsCollection(2) = "" Then
  Fun_ReportFailure "Verify the input passed for Year", "Invalid input passed for the Year filed that is : " &arrDateDetailsCollection(2), Nothing
  Fun_DatePicker = "1"
 End If


 '<<<If the Year in the input date is more than the present year then it will click on ">>" button and select that particular Year>>>
 If (intDifOfYears>0) then
  Do while (intDifOfYears>0)
     If intYear=  Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebEdit("year").GetROProperty("Value") then
      Exit Do
    End if
 End if

 '<<<If the Year in the input date is Less than the present year then it will click on "<<" button and select that particular Year>>>
 If(intDifOfYears<0) then
  Do while (intDifOfYears<0)
     If intYear=  Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebEdit("year").GetROProperty("Value") then
      Exit Do
    End if
 End if

 '<<<Select the particualr month as per the user input month>>>
 If Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebList("month").Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
  Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Frame("topCalFrame").WebList("month").SelectIfNotNull intMonth
 End if

 '<<<Select the particualr Date as per the user input Date>>>

 '<<<Do Loop for a time of  intConstShortWaitTime and get exists when the calendar window gets closed>>>
 intMaxWaitCount = intConstShortWaitTime
 Do While intMaxWaitCount > 0
  If Browser("Calendar").Page("Calendar").Exist(1) Then  
   intMaxWaitCount = CInt(intMaxWaitCount) - 1
   Exit Do
  End If
End Function


  1. Hi Naresh...
    Date calendar click...In Date picker window Two months appearing...
    I written the code for MakeMyTrip site...but can able to select current month only...
    i want select next month date... and Both WebTable properties are same...
    How can i achieve this...
    = Below the code....
    wait 1
    Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2
    Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1

    'Getting a today date with plus 10 days extra
    idate=date() + 10
    Print("given date is - "&idateval)
    '''Getting the today date row n the From Webtable
    Browser("name:=MakeMyTrip.").Page("title:=MakeMyTrip.").WebTable("column names:=Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa","index:=0").Highlight true
    wait 1
    row=Browser("name:=MakeMyTrip.").Page("title:=MakeMyTrip.").WebTable("column names:=Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa","index:=0").GetRowWithCellText(idateval)
    print ("Row count is - " & row)
    '''Getting the column count for the todays date row
    ccount=Browser("name:=MakeMyTrip.").Page("title:=MakeMyTrip.").WebTable("column names:=Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa","index:=0").ColumnCount(row)
    Print ("Column count is : - " & ccount)
    For i=1 to ccount

    CellData = Left(Browser("name:=MakeMyTrip.").Page("title:=MakeMyTrip.").WebTable("column names:=Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa","index:=0").GetCellData(row,i),2)
    Print ("cell data is : - " & CellData)
    If CellData=idateval Then
    Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2
    Set iObj = Browser("name:=MakeMyTrip.").Page("title:=MakeMyTrip.").WebTable("column names:=Su;Mo;Tu;We;Th;Fr;Sa","index:=0").ChildItem(row,i,"WebElement",0)
    ' CellDate highlight before select the date
    wait 1
    Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1
    Exit For
    End If

  2. Plz if your are free...can check update
    it useful for all...Thanks
