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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Functionality:- Getting User names and passwords from XML File to QTP.

Step 1:-
Copy paste the below code in to a text file and save it as Login.xml
Note:The below code has 4 environments with different user id and passwords

Step 2:- Use the below in QTP to get the data from xml file

Public Function LoginUserInfo()
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists("C:\Login.xml")  Then
Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
 Set ENVnode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ENV")
 Set IDnode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ID")
 Set PSWDnode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("PSWD")

for Counter=0 to ENVlength-1
  PSWDitem= PSWDnode.item(Counter).Text
  If (LEnv = ENVitem) Then
   Environment.Value("ENV") = ENVitem
   Environment.Value("PSWD") = PSWDitem
   ENV = Envitem
   UserID = IDitem
   PSWD = PSWDitem
            Exit For
  End If
 End If

End Function

Step 3:

From the above code you will get the data of login id , password and login environment in to the below variabels as
ENV= login environment
UserID= Login User ID
PSWD= Password

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Functionality: Code for not locking the system by defeult while the script is running.

Set WSHShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WSHShell.SendKeys "^%{F1}"

Functionality: Code for getting the future with the addition of on month to the current date

Function FutureDateOneMonth(vDate)
                Dim mon, yr
                mon = Month(Date)
                If mon =12  Then
      mon = "01"
                                yr = Year(Date)+1
                                mon = (mon+1)
                                yr = Year(Date)
                End If
                If Len(mon)=1 Then
                                mon = "0" & mon
                End If
                vDate = mon & "/" & yr
End Function

Functionality: Code for close to latest opened browser

Public Function CloseLastBrowser()
                If not Err.Number = 0 then
                                                closeLastBrowser = -1
                                                exit function
                end if
closeLastBrowser = 0
End Function

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Functionlity: Code for Disable or Enable Tabbed Browsing in IE8Function

Function EnableOrDisable_TabbedBrowsing(strEnableDisable)
Select Case strEnableDisable

Case "Disable"

hwnd2=Browser("name:=Sign On").GetROProperty("hwnd")

Dialog("hwnd:="&hwnd2).Type micAltDwn + "t" + micAltUp

Dialog("hwnd:="&hwnd2).Type micUp



Dialog("text:=Internet Options").Type micAltDwn + "t" + micAltUp

Dialog("text:=Tabbed Browsing Settings").WinCheckBox("text:=&Enable Tabbed Browsing \(requires restarting Internet Explorer\)").Set "OFF"

Dialog("text:=Tabbed Browsing Settings").WinButton("text:=OK").Click

Dialog("text:=Internet Options").WinButton("text:=OK").Click

Case "Enable"

hwnd2=Browser("name:=Sign On").GetROProperty("hwnd")

Dialog("hwnd:="&hwnd2).Type micAltDwn + "t" + micAltUp

Dialog("hwnd:="&hwnd2).Type micUp

Dialog("hwnd:="&hwnd2).Type mic Return


Dialog("text:=Internet Options").Type micAltDwn + "t" + micAltUp

Dialog("text:=Tabbed Browsing Settings").WinCheckBox("text:=&Enable Tabbed Browsing \(requires restarting Internet Explorer\)").Set "ON"

Dialog("text:=Tabbed Browsing Settings").WinButton("text:=OK").Click Dialog("text:=Internet Options").WinButton("text:=OK").Click
End Select

End Function

Functionality : Close any Open Browser & Open PDF/Child window

Function Close_ANY_Browser (optsBrwName)

Set BrwDesc = Description.Create()

BrwDesc("micclass").Value = "Browser"

Set ObjIExpl = Description.Create

ObjIExpl("micclass").value = "Browser"

Set ObjIExplColl = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjIExpl)

fGetBrowsersCount = ObjIExplColl.Count

rcBrwCount = fGetBrowsersCount-1

UnKnown_hwnd=Browser("CreationTime:="& rcBrwCount).GetROProperty("hwnd")

Get_title= Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetROProperty("title")

Get_name = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("name")

Get_openurl = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("openurl")
If Get_title = "" AND Get_name = "" Then

SetProperty = "openurl"


SetProperty = "title"

End If
BrwDesc(SetProperty).Value = optsBrwName
If Get_title ="" AND Get_name = "" AND Get_openurl="" Then

Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"DID NOT Get Property Values for an opened Child Window - Properties name/openurl/title were NOT assigned to the ChildWindow ","Choose another property to Perform Action - CLOSE on opened Child Window"

Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Recognized the Child Window/Browser by using the property '" & SetProperty & "' ","Performs an Action CLOSE on opened Child Window"
SetProperty1=SetProperty & ":=" & optsBrwName


If NOT Browser(SetProperty1).Exist(0) Then

Close_ANY_Browser = True

End If
Set BrwDesc = Nothing

End If
End Function

Functionality: Code for maximize the browsers & Browsers count

Function BrowserMaximize (optsBrwName)
Set BrwDesc = Description.Create()
BrwDesc("micclass").Value = "Browser"
rcBrwCount = fGetBrowsersCount()-1
UnKnown_hwnd=Browser("CreationTime:="& rcBrwCount).GetROProperty("hwnd")
Get_title= Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetROProperty("title")
Get_name = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("name")
Get_openurl = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("openurl")
If Get_title = "" AND Get_name = "" Then
SetProperty = "openurl"
SetProperty = "title"
End If
BrwDesc(SetProperty).Value = optsBrwName
If Get_title ="" AND Get_name = "" AND Get_openurl="" Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"DID NOT Opens the Child Window - NONE of the Properties name/openurl/title were assigned to the ChildWindow ","Choose another property to Perform Action on opened Child Window"
Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Recognized the Child Window by using the property '" & SetProperty & "' ","Performs an Action MAXIMIZE on opened Child Window"
SetProperty1=SetProperty & ":=" & optsBrwName
Dim hwndBrw, hwndWindow
hwndBrw = Browser(SetProperty1).GetROProperty("hwnd") Const GA_ROOT = 2
Extern.Declare micLong,"GetMainWindow", "user32" ,"GetAncestor",micLong, micLong hwndWindow = Extern.GetMainWindow(hwndBrw, GA_ROOT) Window("hwnd:=" & hwndWindow).Maximize
End If
Set BrwDesc = Nothing
End Function
'Open Browser Count.
Function fGetBrowsersCount()
Set ObjIExpl = Description.Create
ObjIExpl("micclass").value = "Browser"
Set ObjIExplColl = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjIExpl)
fGetBrowsersCount = ObjIExplColl.Count
End Function

Functionality: Compare the data in PDF, using VB script

Copy paste teh belwo 3 steps continuously, by just delete the step names.

Step 1:
First Create a object for clipboard
Set objCB = CreateObject("Mercury.Clipboard")
Step 2:
If Browser("title:=https://Browser name").ActiveX("acx_name:=Adobe PDF Reader").WinObject("text:=AVPageView").Exist Then
Browser("title:=https://Browser name").ActiveX("acx_name:=Adobe PDF Reader").WinObject("text:=AVPageView").Type micCtrlDwn + "a" + micCtrlUp
Browser("title:=https://Browser name").ActiveX("acx_name:=Adobe PDF Reader").WinObject("text:=AVPageView").Type micCtrlDwn + "c" + micCtrlUp

If Browser("title:=https://Browser name").Dialog("nativeclass:=#32770").Exist then
Browser("title:=https://Browser name").Dialog("nativeclass:=#32770").Winbutton("text:=OK").Click
End If

Step 3: Now you search the text you want to check in PDF

strUID = "Help"
PDFTxt = Instr(1, objCB.GetText, strUID)
If (PDFTxt > 0) Then
reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "id exists", "id there"
reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "id not exists", "id not there"
End If
End if

Browser("title:=https://Browser name").close
Set objCB = Nothing

Monday, November 22, 2010

Functionality: Select an environemtn by using dot net factory method

Function SelectEnv()
Set objEnviForm = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.Form")
Set objEnvFormRdgp = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox")
Set objEnvFormRB1 = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton")
Set objEnvFormRB2 = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton")
Set objEnvFormRB3 = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton")
Set objEnvFormRB4 = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton")
Set objEnvFormRB5 = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton")
Set objEnvFormOKButton = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.Button")
Set objEnvFormCANCELButton = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.Button")
Set objButtonFlatStyle = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.FlatStyle")
Set objButtonDialogResult=DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult")
Set formStartPos = objEnviForm.StartPosition
With objEnviForm
.Text = "AES Automation"
.TopMost = True
.FormBorderStyle = .FormBorderStyle.FixedToolWindow
.Size = DFGetSize(500,150)
objEnvFormRdgp.Controls.Add objEnvFormRB1
objEnvFormRdgp.Controls.Add objEnvFormRB2
objEnvFormRdgp.Controls.Add objEnvFormRB3
objEnvFormRdgp.Controls.Add objEnvFormRB4
objEnvFormRdgp.Controls.Add objEnvFormRB5
objEnvFormRdgp.Location = DFGetPont(25,10)
objEnvFormRdgp.Size = DFGetSize(350,80)
objEnvFormRdgp.Text= "Select AES Environment"
objEnvFormRB1.Location = DFGetPont(30,15)
objEnvFormRB1.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormRB1.Name = "RadioBox1"
objEnvFormRB1.Text = "&UAT"
objEnvFormRB2.Location = DFGetPont(30,40)
objEnvFormRB2.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormRB2.Name = "RadioBox2"
objEnvFormRB2.Text = "&SIT"
objEnvFormRB3.Location = DFGetPont(160,15)
objEnvFormRB3.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormRB3.Name = "RadioBox3"
objEnvFormRB3.Text = "&PFIX"
objEnvFormRB4.Location = DFGetPont(160,40)
objEnvFormRB4.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormRB4.Name = "RadioBox4"
objEnvFormRB4.Text = "PRO&D"
objEnvFormRB5.Location = DFGetPont(270,15)
objEnvFormRB5.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormRB5.Name = "RadioBox5"
objEnvFormRB5.Text = "&MIT"
objEnvFormOKButton.Location = DFGetPont(400,15)
objEnvFormOKButton.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormOKButton.Name = "Button1"
objEnvFormOKButton.FlatStyle = objButtonFlatStyle.Popup
objEnvFormOKButton.DialogResult = objButtonDialogResult.OK
objEnvFormOKButton.Text = "&OK"
objEnvFormOKButton.TabIndex = 1
objEnvFormCANCELButton.Location = DFGetPont(400,40)
objEnvFormCANCELButton.Size = DFGetSize(70,20)
objEnvFormCANCELButton.Name = "Button2"
objEnvFormCANCELButton.FlatStyle = objButtonFlatStyle.Popup
objEnvFormCANCELButton.Text = "&Cancel"
.AcceptButton = objEnvFormOKButton
.CancelButton = objEnvFormCANCELButton
.Controls.Add objEnvFormRdgp
.Controls.Add objEnvFormOKButton
.Controls.Add objEnvFormCANCELButton
.StartPosition = formStartPos.CenterScreen
End With
strSelectChoice = ""
objEnvFormRB1.Checked Then
strSelectChoice = "UAT"
ElseIf objEnvFormRB2.Checked then
strSelectChoice = "SIT"
ElseIf objEnvFormRB3.Checked then
strSelectChoice = "PFIX"
ElseIf objEnvFormRB4.Checked then
strSelectChoice = "PROD"
ElseIf objEnvFormRB5.Checked then
strSelectChoice = "MIT"
Else strSelectChoice= "No Option is Selected"
End If
If UCase(objEnviForm.DialogResult)="CANCEL" Then
' MsgBox "You Cancelled the form"
strSelectChoice = "CANCEL"
ElseIf strSelectChoice= "No Option is Selected" Then
MsgBox "You have not selected any option. Please Choose one"
' MsgBox strSelectChoice
End If
Loop Until i=1
Set objEnviForm = Nothing
Set formStartPos =Nothing
Set objButtonFlatStyle = Nothing
Set objButtonDialogResult = Nothing
Set objEnvFormRdgp = Nothing
Set objEnvFormRB1 = Nothing
Set objEnvFormRB2 = Nothing
Set objEnvFormRB3 = Nothing
Set objEnvFormRB4 = Nothing
Set objEnvFormRB5 = Nothing
Set objEnvFormOKButton = Nothing
Set objEnvFormCANCELButton = Nothing
SelectEnv = strSelectChoice
End Function
Function DFGetSize(x,y)
Set DFGetSize = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Size","System.Drawing",x,y)End Function
Function DFGetPont(x,y)
Set DFGetPont = DotNetFactory.CreateInstance("System.Drawing.Point","System.Drawing",x,y)
End Function

Functionality: Is to CLOSE Browser/PDFChildWindow'Parameters: ANY Property - title OR openurl OR name'

'Purpose: Is to CLOSE Browser/PDFChildWindow'Parameters: ANY Property - title OR openurl OR name'______________________________________________________

Function Close_ANY_Browser (optsBrwName)

Set BrwDesc = Description.Create()

BrwDesc("micclass").Value = "Browser"

rcBrwCount = fGetBrowsersCount()-1

UnKnown_hwnd=Browser("CreationTime:="& rcBrwCount).GetROProperty("hwnd")

Get_title= Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetROProperty("title")

Get_name = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("name")

Get_openurl = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("openurl")
If Get_title = "" AND Get_name = "" Then

SetProperty = "openurl"


SetProperty = "title" End If
BrwDesc(SetProperty).Value = optsBrwName
If Get_title ="" AND Get_name = "" AND Get_openurl="" Then

Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"DID NOT Get Property Values for an opened Child Window - Properties name/openurl/title were NOT assigned to the ChildWindow ","Choose another property to Perform Action - CLOSE on opened Child Window"

Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Recognized the Child Window/Browser by using the property '" & SetProperty & "' ","Performs an Action CLOSE on opened Child Window"
SetProperty1=SetProperty & ":=" & optsBrwName


If NOT Browser(SetProperty1).Exist(0) Then

Close_ANY_Browser = True

End If
Set BrwDesc = Nothing

End If
End Function


Function fGetBrowsersCount()

Set ObjIExpl = Description.Create

ObjIExpl("micclass").value = "Browser"

Set ObjIExplColl = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjIExpl)

fGetBrowsersCount = ObjIExplColl.Count

End Function


Functionality: It Works for IE6 IE7 and IE8 - Maximize Browser

Functionality: It Works for IE6 IE7 and IE8 - Maximize Browser


Function BrowserMaximize (optsBrwName)

Set BrwDesc = Description.Create()

BrwDesc("micclass").Value = "Browser"

rcBrwCount = fGetBrowsersCount()-1

UnKnown_hwnd=Browser("CreationTime:="& rcBrwCount).GetROProperty("hwnd")

Get_title= Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetROProperty("title")

Get_name = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("name")

Get_openurl = Window("hwnd:="& UnKnown_hwnd).GetRoProperty("openurl")
If Get_title = "" AND Get_name = "" Then

SetProperty = "openurl"


SetProperty = "title"

End If
BrwDesc(SetProperty).Value = optsBrwName
If Get_title ="" AND Get_name = "" AND Get_openurl="" Then

Reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"DID NOT Opens the Child Window - NONE of the Properties name/openurl/title were assigned to the ChildWindow ","Choose another property to Perform Action on opened Child Window"

Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Recognized the Child Window by using the property '" & SetProperty & "' ","Performs an Action MAXIMIZE on opened Child Window"
SetProperty1=SetProperty & ":=" & optsBrwName

Dim hwndBrw, hwndWindow

hwndBrw = Browser(SetProperty1).GetROProperty("hwnd")

Const GA_ROOT = 2

Extern.Declare micLong,"GetMainWindow", "user32" ,"GetAncestor",micLong, micLong

'Get the main IE window handle

hwndWindow = Extern.GetMainWindow(hwndBrw, GA_ROOT)

Window("hwnd:=" & hwndWindow).Maximize

End If

Set BrwDesc = Nothing

End Function


Function fGetBrowsersCount()

Set ObjIExpl = Description.Create

ObjIExpl("micclass").value = "Browser"

Set ObjIExplColl = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjIExpl)

fGetBrowsersCount = ObjIExplColl.Count

End Function


Functionality: Enter the login id and password using the XML file

Functionality: Enter the login id and password using the XML file:-


Public Function LoginUserInfo()

If fso.FileExists("C:\Login_AES.xml") Then

'Creates object for "Msxml2.DOMDocument"

'Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument")

Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")


Set ENVnode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ENV")

Set IDnode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("ID")

Set PSWDnode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("PSWD")




Counter=1 'Loop to retrive xml items.
for Counter=0 to ENVlength-1



PSWDitem= PSWDnode.item(Counter).Text

If (LEnv = ENVitem) Then

Environment.Value("ENV") = ENVitem


Environment.Value("PSWD") = PSWDitem

ENV = Envitem

UserID = IDitem


Exit For

End If


End If

End Function

Monday, November 15, 2010

Functionality: Create 5 digit random number in vb script

Functionality: Create 5 digit random number
Public Function CreateFiveDigitRandomId()
tTime = replace(Time, ":", "")
tLen = Len(tTime) - 2
tTime = Trim(left(tTime, tLen))
intLowNumber = Right(tTime, 2)
tLen = Len(tTime)
If tLen > 5 Then
tTime = Trim(Right(tTime, 5))
End If
intHighNumber = tTime intNumber = Int((intHighNumber - intLowNumber + 1) * Rnd + intLowNumber)
If Len(intNumber)> 4 Then
intNumber = Left(intNumber, 4)
End If
dtDay = Day(Date)
If len(dtDay) = 2 Then
dtDay = Right(dtDay, 1)
intNumber = intNumber & dtDay
intNumber = dtDay & intNumber
End If
glbRandId = intNumber
End Function
Functionality: Performs Clicks/Set/Select operation on web control passed as parameter
Public Function SelectWebContol(strWebControl,strBrowserName,strPageName,strLogcalName,strIndex ,strValue,strLogicalValue)If strIndex = "" Then
strIndex = "0"
End If
strWebControl = UCASE (strWebControl)Select Case strWebControl
Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).WebEdit("name:=" & strLogcalName, "index:=" & strIndex).Set strValue Exit Function
Case "WEBCHECKBOX" If strLogicalValue <> "" Then Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).WebCheckBox("name:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex,"value:=" & strLogicalValue).Set strValue
Exit Function
End If
Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).WebCheckBox("name:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex).Set strValue
Exit Function
Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).WebList("name:=" & strLogcalName, "index:=" & strIndex).Select strValue Exit Function Case "WEBRADIOGROUP" Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).WebRadioGroup("name:=" & strLogcalName, "index:=" & strIndex).Select strValue
Case "IMAGE"
If Not Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).Image("alt:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex).Exist(3) Then Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).Image("file name:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex).Click Exit Function End If Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).Image("alt:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex).Click
Exit Function
Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).WebButton("name:=" & strLogcalName, "index:=" & strIndex).Click
Exit Function
If Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName).Dialog("nativeclass:=#32770").Exist(5) Then Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName).Dialog("nativeclass:=#32770").WinButton("text:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex).Click
End If
Exit Function
Case "LINK" Browser("name:=" & strBrowserName ).Page("title:=" & strPageName).Link("innertext:=" & strLogcalName,"index:=" & strIndex).Click Exit Function Case Else Reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Operation on the Control", " Operation on the web control" & strWebControl & " is failed" End SelectEnd Function
Display a message box when the user clicks on stop button while the scripts in run mode
Class QTPStartStop
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
MsgBox "QTP Terminated"
End Sub
End Class
'crate an object of that class at the start of the Script
Dim QtpStop
Set QtpStop = New QTPStartStop
If you want to delete the temp files directly from your desktop, just copy paste the below code in to notepad and save with any name and extenstion as .vbs and save it on desktop.
Just double click the file, your all temp files will get deleted directly..


Const TemporaryFolder = 2 'for GetSpecialFolder
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'init an empty array (ubound will be -1)... ' 'we use an array and store the file objects. 'this avoids any problems with altering the 'contents of the Files collections while they 'are being iterated. ' arFiles = array() count = -1
'get the path to the temp folder ' tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
'load the (global scope) arFiles 'SelectFiles calls itself recursively 'for SubFolders ' SelectFiles tempdir msgbox count+1 & " files found" 'now do the actual deletes. the error trap 'is in case any are in-use... ' dcount = 0 for each file in arFiles on error resume next file.delete true if err.number = 0 then dcount = dcount + 1 err.clear on error goto 0 next
'now go back and delete empty folders 'below the temp folder
DeleteEmptyFolders tempdir,false
'comment out for "silent" operation, 'or add support for a "/s" command-line switch. ' msgbox count+1 & " files found, " & dcount & " deleted."
sub SelectFiles(sPath)
'select files to delete and add to array... ' set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath) set files = folder.files
for each file in files count = count + 1 redim preserve arFiles(count) set arFiles(count) = file next
for each fldr in folder.subfolders SelectFiles fldr.path next
end sub
sub DeleteEmptyFolders(sPath,bDeleteThisFolder)
set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath)
'recurse first... ' for each fldr in folder.subfolders DeleteEmptyFolders fldr.path,true next
'if no files or folders then delete... ' 'bDeleteThisFolder is false for 'the root of the subtree, and true for 'sub-folders (unless you want to delete 'the entire subtree if it is empty). ' if (folder.files.count = 0) and _ (folder.subfolders.count) = 0 and _ bDeleteThisFolder then folder.delete exit sub end if
end sub ' '===end-script===
If any one want QTP 10.0 licensed version you can contact me