' Name: Fun_SynchObjectToAppear
' Purpose: This function is used for providing the synch to the application object
' Argument(s):
' ip_obj: Object under the test EX: SparkDropDownList
' ip_intStartTime: Start time from which the max wait time is evaluated. Ex: Timer value at the time of calling this function
' ip_intWaitTimeInSec: Maximum wait time for object to appaer in the application and get visible
' Returns:
' NON Zero Value: Indicates that the object is appeared on the screen and is visible.
' 0 Indicates that the object is not available under the application after waiting for the given max wait time.
' Example: returnValue = Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(objSparkApplication, Timer, "360")
Public Function Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(ByRef ip_Obj, ip_intStartTime, ip_intWaitTimeInSec)
Dim blnObjectLoaded, intStartTime, intEndTime
blnObjectLoaded = False 'Set the flag to false to indicate that the object is not loaded
intStartTime = ip_intStartTime 'Start tiem is set as the passed argument value
If ip_Obj.Exist(1) Then
If CStr(ip_Obj.GetRoProperty("visible")) = "True" Then
blnObjectLoaded = True 'Reset the flag to indicate that the object is appeared on the application
Exit Do 'Exit the loop if the expected object is exists and is visible in the application
End If
End If
intEndTime = Timer 'Set the current time as end time
Loop Until intEndTime > intStartTime + ip_intWaitTimeInSec 'Break the loop if the end time reached as more than the max wait time
'<<< Report the report based upon the load event on the tab selection >>>
If blnObjectLoaded = True Then
Fun_SynchObjectToAppear = (intEndTime - ip_intStartTime)/60 'Return the total time taken in minutes as a return value
Fun_SynchObjectToAppear = "0" 'Return ZERO to indicate that the object is not appeared on the screen
End If
End Function
'<<< ---------- Function registration----------- >>>
RegisterUserFunc "SparkDropDownList", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkTextInput", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkCheckBox", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkButton", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
Example : -
'<<< Synch provided until the filter object gets displayed in the application >>>
Set objSparkApplication = Browser("FlexApp").FlexApplication("app").SparkApplication("erfr-flex-gui.swf").SparkSkinnableContainer("showHidePane").SparkButton("Filters")
intWaitTimeInSec = intConstWaitShort * 60
'<<< Calling user defined function for providing application object synchronization >>>
returnValue = Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(objSparkApplication, Timer, intWaitTimeInSec)
' Name: Fun_SynchObjectToAppear
' Purpose: This function is used for providing the synch to the application object
' Argument(s):
' ip_obj: Object under the test EX: SparkDropDownList
' ip_intStartTime: Start time from which the max wait time is evaluated. Ex: Timer value at the time of calling this function
' ip_intWaitTimeInSec: Maximum wait time for object to appaer in the application and get visible
' Returns:
' NON Zero Value: Indicates that the object is appeared on the screen and is visible.
' 0 Indicates that the object is not available under the application after waiting for the given max wait time.
' Example: returnValue = Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(objSparkApplication, Timer, "360")
Public Function Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(ByRef ip_Obj, ip_intStartTime, ip_intWaitTimeInSec)
Dim blnObjectLoaded, intStartTime, intEndTime
blnObjectLoaded = False 'Set the flag to false to indicate that the object is not loaded
intStartTime = ip_intStartTime 'Start tiem is set as the passed argument value
If ip_Obj.Exist(1) Then
If CStr(ip_Obj.GetRoProperty("visible")) = "True" Then
blnObjectLoaded = True 'Reset the flag to indicate that the object is appeared on the application
Exit Do 'Exit the loop if the expected object is exists and is visible in the application
End If
End If
intEndTime = Timer 'Set the current time as end time
Loop Until intEndTime > intStartTime + ip_intWaitTimeInSec 'Break the loop if the end time reached as more than the max wait time
'<<< Report the report based upon the load event on the tab selection >>>
If blnObjectLoaded = True Then
Fun_SynchObjectToAppear = (intEndTime - ip_intStartTime)/60 'Return the total time taken in minutes as a return value
Fun_SynchObjectToAppear = "0" 'Return ZERO to indicate that the object is not appeared on the screen
End If
End Function
'<<< ---------- Function registration----------- >>>
RegisterUserFunc "SparkDropDownList", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkTextInput", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkCheckBox", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
RegisterUserFunc "SparkButton", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear", "Fun_SynchObjectToAppear"
Example : -
'<<< Synch provided until the filter object gets displayed in the application >>>
Set objSparkApplication = Browser("FlexApp").FlexApplication("app").SparkApplication("erfr-flex-gui.swf").SparkSkinnableContainer("showHidePane").SparkButton("Filters")
intWaitTimeInSec = intConstWaitShort * 60
'<<< Calling user defined function for providing application object synchronization >>>
returnValue = Fun_SynchObjectToAppear(objSparkApplication, Timer, intWaitTimeInSec)
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