' Name: Fun_SelectDropdownListValue
' Purpose: This function is used for selecting the item from the spark dropdown list
' Argument(s):
' ip_ObjDropDown: Object under the test EX: SparkDropDownList
' ip_strDropdownName: Name of the dropdown ex:Merchandise
' ip_strSelectableItemValue: Value to be selected from the dropdown. Ex: All Mdse
' Returns:
' 1: If expected value is found under the dropdown
' 0: If expected value is NOT found under the dropdown
' Example: Call Fun_SelectDropdownListValue(objDropdown, "Merchandise", "All Mdse")
Public Function Fun_SelectDropdownListValue(ByRef ip_ObjDropDown, ip_strDropdownName, ip_strSelectableItemValue)
Dim objDicListIndex, intTotalItemCnt, blnScrollBarExists, intMaxScrollValue, intCurrentScrollPoint
Dim objSparkListLabelDescr, objSparkListLabelDescrChild
Dim intChildIndex, strListLabel
Set objDicListIndex = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'<<< Validate the current selection before making a new selection >>>
strListLabel = ip_ObjDropDown.GetROProperty("selecteditem")
If Trim(strListLabel) = Trim(ip_strSelectableItemValue) Then
Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 1
Exit Function
End If
'Get the total items under the list
intTotalItemCnt = ip_ObjDropDown.GetItemsCount
'<<< Get the maximum possible scroll point based on the existence of scroll bar object >>>
Wait 2
If ip_ObjDropdown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").Exist(2) Then
blnScrollBarExists = True
intMaxScrollValue = ip_ObjDropDown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").GetROProperty("maximum")
blnScrollBarExists = False
intMaxScrollValue = 0
End If
'<<< Get all child objects of type SparkListLabel >>>
Set objSparkListLabelDescr = Description.Create()
objSparkListLabelDescr("automationclassname").Value = "SparkListLabel"
'<<< Extract all child objects until the maximum scroll point is reached >>>
'<<< Move the scroll bar based on the child objects extracted within the loop >>>
If blnScrollBarExists = True Then
intCurrentScrollPoint = 20 * objDicListIndex.Count
ip_ObjDropDown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").Change intCurrentScrollPoint
Wait 2
intCurrentScrollPoint = 1
End If
'<<< Get child objects >>>
Set objSparkListLabelDescrChild = ip_ObjDropDown.ChildObjects(objSparkListLabelDescr)
'<<< Fill the dictionary object based on the child objects extracted >>>>
For intChildIndex = 0 To objSparkListLabelDescrChild.Count -1
strListLabel = objSparkListLabelDescrChild(intChildIndex).GetROProperty("label")
If Trim(strListLabel) = Trim(ip_strSelectableItemValue) Then
Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 1 'Indicates success
Exit Function
ElseIf Not objDicListIndex.Exists(Trim(strListLabel)) And Trim(strListLabel) <> "" Then
objDicListIndex.Add Trim(strListLabel), objDicListIndex.Count
End If
'<<< Exit the Loop on scroll bar reaching the maximum end point >>>
If intCurrentScrollPoint > intMaxScrollValue Then
Exit Do
End If
subJCP_EventReport "Fail", "Unable to find item as: " & ip_strSelectableItemValue & " under the given dropdown: " & ip_strDropdownName, Browser("FlexApp")
Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 0 'Indicates failure
End Function
'<<< ---------- Register this function to the SparkDropdownList object ----------- >>>
RegisterUserFunc "SparkDropDownList", "Fun_SelectDropdownListValue", "Fun_SelectDropdownListValue"
returnValue = .SparkDropDownList("timeDropDown").Fun_SelectDropdownListValue("Time", "Custom...")
If Cstr(returnValue) <> "1" Then
End If
' Name: Fun_SelectDropdownListValue
' Purpose: This function is used for selecting the item from the spark dropdown list
' Argument(s):
' ip_ObjDropDown: Object under the test EX: SparkDropDownList
' ip_strDropdownName: Name of the dropdown ex:Merchandise
' ip_strSelectableItemValue: Value to be selected from the dropdown. Ex: All Mdse
' Returns:
' 1: If expected value is found under the dropdown
' 0: If expected value is NOT found under the dropdown
' Example: Call Fun_SelectDropdownListValue(objDropdown, "Merchandise", "All Mdse")
Public Function Fun_SelectDropdownListValue(ByRef ip_ObjDropDown, ip_strDropdownName, ip_strSelectableItemValue)
Dim objDicListIndex, intTotalItemCnt, blnScrollBarExists, intMaxScrollValue, intCurrentScrollPoint
Dim objSparkListLabelDescr, objSparkListLabelDescrChild
Dim intChildIndex, strListLabel
Set objDicListIndex = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'<<< Validate the current selection before making a new selection >>>
strListLabel = ip_ObjDropDown.GetROProperty("selecteditem")
If Trim(strListLabel) = Trim(ip_strSelectableItemValue) Then
Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 1
Exit Function
End If
'Get the total items under the list
intTotalItemCnt = ip_ObjDropDown.GetItemsCount
'<<< Get the maximum possible scroll point based on the existence of scroll bar object >>>
Wait 2
If ip_ObjDropdown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").Exist(2) Then
blnScrollBarExists = True
intMaxScrollValue = ip_ObjDropDown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").GetROProperty("maximum")
blnScrollBarExists = False
intMaxScrollValue = 0
End If
'<<< Get all child objects of type SparkListLabel >>>
Set objSparkListLabelDescr = Description.Create()
objSparkListLabelDescr("automationclassname").Value = "SparkListLabel"
'<<< Extract all child objects until the maximum scroll point is reached >>>
'<<< Move the scroll bar based on the child objects extracted within the loop >>>
If blnScrollBarExists = True Then
intCurrentScrollPoint = 20 * objDicListIndex.Count
ip_ObjDropDown.SparkScrollBar("verticalScrollBar").Change intCurrentScrollPoint
Wait 2
intCurrentScrollPoint = 1
End If
'<<< Get child objects >>>
Set objSparkListLabelDescrChild = ip_ObjDropDown.ChildObjects(objSparkListLabelDescr)
'<<< Fill the dictionary object based on the child objects extracted >>>>
For intChildIndex = 0 To objSparkListLabelDescrChild.Count -1
strListLabel = objSparkListLabelDescrChild(intChildIndex).GetROProperty("label")
If Trim(strListLabel) = Trim(ip_strSelectableItemValue) Then
Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 1 'Indicates success
Exit Function
ElseIf Not objDicListIndex.Exists(Trim(strListLabel)) And Trim(strListLabel) <> "" Then
objDicListIndex.Add Trim(strListLabel), objDicListIndex.Count
End If
'<<< Exit the Loop on scroll bar reaching the maximum end point >>>
If intCurrentScrollPoint > intMaxScrollValue Then
Exit Do
End If
subJCP_EventReport "Fail", "Unable to find item as: " & ip_strSelectableItemValue & " under the given dropdown: " & ip_strDropdownName, Browser("FlexApp")
Fun_SelectDropdownListValue = 0 'Indicates failure
End Function
'<<< ---------- Register this function to the SparkDropdownList object ----------- >>>
RegisterUserFunc "SparkDropDownList", "Fun_SelectDropdownListValue", "Fun_SelectDropdownListValue"
returnValue = .SparkDropDownList("timeDropDown").Fun_SelectDropdownListValue("Time", "Custom...")
If Cstr(returnValue) <> "1" Then
End If
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