'Function Name : Fun_WaitForObjectExists
'Description This function is used to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets displayed in the screen
'Parameters ip_obj : Expected object
' ip_MaxWaitCount : Total max wait * 2 time in sec for the expected object to get displayed
'Return Val ue 0: indicates success
' 1: indicates failure
' Ex:ample Fun_WaitForObjectExists(ip_obj, 20)
Function Fun_WaitForObjectExists(ip_obj, ip_MaxWaitCount)
Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "1" 'Indicates Failure
Wait intConstShortWaitTime '<<< --- This wait is reuired to synch the application browser --- >>>
'<<< ------- Keep looping until the object is found to be existing in the application -------- >>>
Do While CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount) > 0
If ip_obj.Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "0" '<<< --- Set the flag as success and exit the loop ----- >>>
Exit Do
'<<< --------- Decriment the counter by 1 and loop back -------- >>>>
Wait intConstShortWaitTime
ip_MaxWaitCount = CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount ) - 1
End If
'<<< ------ If the flag is found to be still under initial status it indicates the failure of the object identification ------ >>>
If Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "1" Then
Fun_ReportFailure "Application sync event" , "Expected Object is not displayed in the screen within the given wait time", Browser("Browser Main")
End If
End Function
'Function Name : Fun_WaitForObjectInExists
'Description This function is used to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets disappears from the screen
'Parameters ip_obj : Expected object
' ip_MaxWaitCount : Total max wait * 2 time in sec for the expected object to get displayed
'Return Val ue Null: If expected object gets displayed
' Exists the component iteration if expected object does not disappears
' Ex:ample Fun_WaitForObjectInExists(ip_obj, 20)
Function Fun_WaitForObjectInExists(ip_obj, ip_MaxWaitCount)
Dim blnFlag
blnFlag = "1"
Wait intConstShortWaitTime '<<< --- This wait is reuired to synch the application browser --- >>>
'<<< ------- Keep looping until the object is found to be inexisting in the application -------- >>>
Do While CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount) > 0
If ip_obj.Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
'<<< --------- Decriment the counter by 1 and loop back -------- >>>>
Wait intConstShortWaitTime
ip_MaxWaitCount = CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount ) - 1
blnFlag = "0" '<<< --- Set the flag as success and exit the loop ----- >>>
Exit Do
End If
'<<< ------ If the flag is found to be still under initial status it indicates the failure of the object identification ------ >>>
If blnFlag = "1" Then
Fun_ReportFailure "Application synch event" , "Expected Object does not inexist in the screen within the given max wait time", Browser("Browser Main")
End If
Fun_WaitForObjectInExists = blnFlag
End Function
'Function Name : Fun_WaitForObjectExists
'Description This function is used to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets displayed in the screen
'Parameters ip_obj : Expected object
' ip_MaxWaitCount : Total max wait * 2 time in sec for the expected object to get displayed
'Return Val ue 0: indicates success
' 1: indicates failure
' Ex:ample Fun_WaitForObjectExists(ip_obj, 20)
Function Fun_WaitForObjectExists(ip_obj, ip_MaxWaitCount)
Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "1" 'Indicates Failure
Wait intConstShortWaitTime '<<< --- This wait is reuired to synch the application browser --- >>>
'<<< ------- Keep looping until the object is found to be existing in the application -------- >>>
Do While CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount) > 0
If ip_obj.Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "0" '<<< --- Set the flag as success and exit the loop ----- >>>
Exit Do
'<<< --------- Decriment the counter by 1 and loop back -------- >>>>
Wait intConstShortWaitTime
ip_MaxWaitCount = CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount ) - 1
End If
'<<< ------ If the flag is found to be still under initial status it indicates the failure of the object identification ------ >>>
If Fun_WaitForObjectExists = "1" Then
Fun_ReportFailure "Application sync event" , "Expected Object is not displayed in the screen within the given wait time", Browser("Browser Main")
End If
End Function
'Function Name : Fun_WaitForObjectInExists
'Description This function is used to provide a controlled wait for synchronizing the application til the expected objects gets disappears from the screen
'Parameters ip_obj : Expected object
' ip_MaxWaitCount : Total max wait * 2 time in sec for the expected object to get displayed
'Return Val ue Null: If expected object gets displayed
' Exists the component iteration if expected object does not disappears
' Ex:ample Fun_WaitForObjectInExists(ip_obj, 20)
Function Fun_WaitForObjectInExists(ip_obj, ip_MaxWaitCount)
Dim blnFlag
blnFlag = "1"
Wait intConstShortWaitTime '<<< --- This wait is reuired to synch the application browser --- >>>
'<<< ------- Keep looping until the object is found to be inexisting in the application -------- >>>
Do While CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount) > 0
If ip_obj.Exist(intConstShortWaitTime) Then
'<<< --------- Decriment the counter by 1 and loop back -------- >>>>
Wait intConstShortWaitTime
ip_MaxWaitCount = CInt(ip_MaxWaitCount ) - 1
blnFlag = "0" '<<< --- Set the flag as success and exit the loop ----- >>>
Exit Do
End If
'<<< ------ If the flag is found to be still under initial status it indicates the failure of the object identification ------ >>>
If blnFlag = "1" Then
Fun_ReportFailure "Application synch event" , "Expected Object does not inexist in the screen within the given max wait time", Browser("Browser Main")
End If
Fun_WaitForObjectInExists = blnFlag
End Function
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