If you want to delete the temp files directly from your desktop, just copy paste the below code in to notepad and save with any name and extenstion as .vbs and save it on desktop.
Just double click the file, your all temp files will get deleted directly..
Const TemporaryFolder = 2 'for GetSpecialFolder
set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
'init an empty array (ubound will be -1)... ' 'we use an array and store the file objects. 'this avoids any problems with altering the 'contents of the Files collections while they 'are being iterated. ' arFiles = array() count = -1
'get the path to the temp folder ' tempdir = fso.GetSpecialFolder(TemporaryFolder)
'load the (global scope) arFiles 'SelectFiles calls itself recursively 'for SubFolders ' SelectFiles tempdir msgbox count+1 & " files found" 'now do the actual deletes. the error trap 'is in case any are in-use... ' dcount = 0 for each file in arFiles on error resume next file.delete true if err.number = 0 then dcount = dcount + 1 err.clear on error goto 0 next
'now go back and delete empty folders 'below the temp folder
DeleteEmptyFolders tempdir,false
'comment out for "silent" operation, 'or add support for a "/s" command-line switch. ' msgbox count+1 & " files found, " & dcount & " deleted."
sub SelectFiles(sPath)
'select files to delete and add to array... ' set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath) set files = folder.files
for each file in files count = count + 1 redim preserve arFiles(count) set arFiles(count) = file next
for each fldr in folder.subfolders SelectFiles fldr.path next
end sub
sub DeleteEmptyFolders(sPath,bDeleteThisFolder)
set folder = fso.getfolder(sPath)
'recurse first... ' for each fldr in folder.subfolders DeleteEmptyFolders fldr.path,true next
'if no files or folders then delete... ' 'bDeleteThisFolder is false for 'the root of the subtree, and true for 'sub-folders (unless you want to delete 'the entire subtree if it is empty). ' if (folder.files.count = 0) and _ (folder.subfolders.count) = 0 and _ bDeleteThisFolder then folder.delete exit sub end if
end sub ' '===end-script===
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